Auditory memory

It often happens that after hearing a song or a melody, we remember some events and people, and quite clearly and in the smallest detail. This amazing ability is due to the property of our brain to associate life situations with surrounding sounds. Let us consider in more detail how to develop and train auditory memory, why it is important and useful.

How to develop auditory memory?

Training of auditory memory is an interesting, simple and enjoyable activity. It is easy to combine with everyday life and entertainment.

Exercises for the development of auditory memory:

  1. Listening to music on the radio and TV, try to mentally reproduce the melody of the songs. If this is too simple, try to memorize not only the motive, but also the texts.
  2. Walking along the street or relaxing in the park, listen to the surrounding sounds, isolating the conversations from them. It is not necessary to catch the essence of the conversation, you just have to try to mentally repeat the dialogue, as accurately as possible quoting the phrases you hear.
  3. Before going to bed, try to hear as many sounds as possible outside the window or in the room. Alternately, focus on each of them separately, mentally reproducing it in a higher and lower key.

The above exercises are more interesting to engage in the company, turning them into a game or competition. They are also suitable for the development of auditory memory in children .

Short-term auditory memory

This type of memory helps a person understand the meaning of oral speech and quickly process incoming information with it.

There is a so-called phonetic repository, in which the words are heard and stored there for a few seconds before going into a semantic repository, a longer one. The allotted time is enough to realize the essence of the conversation, to remember the beginning of each sentence and to grasp its general meaning.

It is especially important to train short-term auditory memory in children, as it helps enrich speech, build logical chains and promote the development of other types of memory.

Tasks for the development of auditory memory:

Using the game training, you can quickly help the child develop memory by ear and, at the same time, not to bother him with difficult activities.