Archangel Michael icon - meaning

Archangel Michael is the most important representative of the angelic world. He is revered in many religions. About him is mentioned in the scriptures, and also about him are written different legends. Many people are interested in what helps the icon of Archangel Michael and whether it is necessary to have this image in the house. November 21, the faithful celebrate the holiday, which is called the Michael's Day. Since ancient times, the miraculous manifestations of the icon with the face of the Archangel have been known.

The meaning and patronage of the icon of Archangel Michael

This miracle worker is often depicted on icons with a spear in one hand and a mirror in the form of a sphere in another. According to the giving, the sphere was donated to Michael God, and it symbolizes the gift of foresight. Over time, the Archangel began to portray the Devil's trailing feet. At the same time in one hand he has a date line. There are also other representations of the icon , which also have tremendous power and energy.

From what the icon of Archangel Michael protects:

  1. This miracle worker is considered a defender of all evil. According to the giving it was he who became the head of the Lord's Host. He is considered the patron of warriors and the defender of people from visible and invisible evil.
  2. The Archangel guarding the soul of the dead, and also it protects the sleeping. It is believed that it is Michael who accompanies the souls of the righteous on the way to heaven, to protect them from enemies.
  3. It is believed that the miracle-worker begs for God some sins of people who, during their lifetime, did at least some good deeds.
  4. The icon of Archangel Michael has a special significance for sick people, as he is considered a healer. To date, you can find many confirmations, when prayers helped heal from different diseases.
  5. They turn in prayer to the Archangel at the entrance to the new house and its illumination.

Another meaning of the icon of St. Archangel Michael - prayers near the image can help save the souls of deceased relatives. There is a version that on September 18 and November 21 in the spiritual world there is a real miracle. These days the Archangel descends from heaven to hell and extinguishes the flame with his wing. At this time, he has the opportunity to take from the purgatory souls, which are prayed earnestly on the earth.

It is recommended in prayers to call the deceased loved ones by their names, and also it is worth remembering the nameless relatives in the flesh that come from the very tribe of Adam. Such an opportunity to save souls was given to Archangel God, for his victory in the battle with the Devil. Prayers to be carried on the earth for the salvation of souls stand at night precisely on these days at midnight.