White mushrooms - good and bad

This fungus among the other representatives of this species is considered the most valuable. Fans of quiet hunting will prefer it to other brethren and this is not surprising. On nutritional value it can be compared with meat, and the taste and aroma of dishes with its addition can not be compared with anything.

Benefits and harm of ceps

Boroviki are rich in vitamins, phosphates and potassium salts, minerals. Riboflavin in its composition is responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, improves the condition of the hair, nails and general health. Alkaloid herdedin is able to benefit in the treatment of angina, and the alkaloid cherepnik gives the body vigor and energy. White mushrooms are rich in animal starch, carbohydrates and proteins. There is an opinion that the boletus can fight cancer cells.

Edible porcini mushrooms are absolutely harmless, but those who have problems in the work of the digestive tract should take this food with caution, because the protein in the body is difficult to digest by the body. Many people are wondering whether it is possible to eat white mushrooms for a nursing mother - this is why it is better to refuse the use of boletus, since it is possible indigestion, diarrhea, bloating and other problems. In addition, there is always a risk of poisoning if mushrooms were collected in places near busy highways, industrial plants, etc. During lactation it is better to give preference to artificially grown species - oyster mushrooms and champignons, and even better for the time being to exclude this product from the diet in order to secure yourself and your baby from negative consequences.

How to cook?

Is it worth it to cook white mushrooms or can they be cooked in some other way? Borovik is one of the few mushrooms that reveal their taste and aroma in dried form. Dishes made from dried mushrooms are more delicious. But they can not be boiled, and then used for cooking in the usual way. Boroviki marinate, fry and canned. Of these, a powder is prepared, which, together with seasonings and spices, is added to the first and second dishes to improve their nutritional value and provide an unsurpassed aroma.

Apparently, the benefits of this mushroom are enormous, the main thing is to know where you can hunt for it and not confuse it with a poisonous counterpart. The bile fungus is very similar to white, but unlike it has a dirty pink color under the bonnet and a dark mesh pattern on the stem.