Salted fat is good and bad

Fats are necessary for normal functioning of the body, however, due to high caloric content, they can cause obesity. To understand what is outweighed by these facts, the benefits and harm of pig salted bacon should be treated separately.

The Benefits of Salted Fats for Health

Porcine lard for many centuries was one of the most popular food products, because it perfectly satisfied the hunger after heavy physical work and warmed the body in the cold. Today, doctors have found that if there is no fat in the diet, human health can be severely affected.

Fats are needed for the production of hormones and the conservation of fat-soluble active substances - vitamins A , E, F, D, microelements, anioxidants. And in itself, lard is the source of fatty acids, the most useful of which is arachidonic. This unsaturated fatty acid positively influences brain activity, heart and kidney function, blood counts.

The benefit of salted pork fat provides another valuable component - lecithin. It makes the cell membranes more elastic and stronger, which is especially important for the walls of blood vessels.

Equal to Hippocrates, many doctors today "treat like that" - they prescribe pork fat with high cholesterol. The use of salted lard is increased if cooked with garlic, which in addition fights cholesterol plaques in the vessels.

In addition, salted pork lard with garlic is a great help for epidemics of colds, because increases the body's resistance to infections.

For people engaged in energy-intensive physical labor, it is very important that food is a good source of calories. 1 g of lard gives almost 9 calories, so even a small piece of this product will help a long time not to feel hungry. In addition, like other fatty foods, salted salo is excellent.

Harm to salted lard

Among the opponents of lard, the opinion is especially widespread that this product contributes to obesity . Yes, it is possible, however for serious complication of problems with excess weight it is necessary to eat very much fat, combining it with a potato and a plenty of bread. The daily norm of fat is 10 g, in a week you can eat no more than 100 g.

Salted lard can cause harm when used during an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and during the remission it should be eaten carefully.

Dangerous for health can be pork lard pink color, tk. this color indicates the ingress of a fat layer of blood. This fat can be infected with parasites, so it is better not to eat it.