The use of turnips

Turnip refers to the oldest cultivated fruit. Thanks to it, poor people and slaves could maintain health and receive the necessary nutrients. The appearance of potatoes almost completely replaced the turnip from the diet, although the nutritional properties of turnip significantly exceed the potato .

Turnip is easy to grow, as it is a very productive crop. From it you can cook a lot of useful and delicious dishes. Turnip can be consumed in fresh, baked and cooked form, it can be added to soups, stews, salads, it is possible to cook casseroles from it. In the kitchens of some countries, turnip leaves are widely used, with unusual taste.

The use of turnip for the human body was known to ancient healers, who used it for the treatment of rickets , diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the blood and respiratory tract.

The use of turnips for women

Turnip is useful for everyone, including children and the elderly. Some properties of turnips are especially useful for the female body:

Turnip is most useful for eating raw. The use of parry turnip is that, despite the heat treatment, it retains the most useful substances. It is possible to prepare a steam turnip even in modern conditions. To do this, you need to put a turnip in the pot in the oven with a weak fire, cutting it first into small pieces.

The use of turnip for the body can feel for everyone. To do this, you need to eat it at least twice a week, adding salads and vegetable dishes.