Myositis of the muscles of the back

Back pain is often associated with inflammation of the muscles that are located along the spine. This disease is called myositis and is characterized by traumatic pains associated with trauma, hypothermia or overexertion. Usually such diagnosis as myositis of the muscles of the back is put in the presence of bright symptoms and divided into two stages - acute and chronic.

Causes of myositis

The reasons for the appearance of the disease include:

Even the flu and ARVI can become the cause of the onset of such a disease, as myositis of the back. But most people are exposed to such problems by people who receive it because of the characteristics of their professional activities.

Drivers, PC operators, pianists, everyone who is in a monotonous pose for a long time, can face muscle pain problems, especially if there is a draft in the workplace, and it's easy to catch a cold.

If an infection occurs, even purulent myositis may develop, so it is better to consult a doctor immediately if pain occurs.

Common signs of the disease

The most common signs of the disease include the following:

  1. Sharp pains arising in the back of the neck and shoulder, giving in the arm.
  2. There may be pain in the lower back and ribs, if the myositis appeared in the lower spine.
  3. Often the patient can feel numbness in the hands, tenderness in palpation.

This is the basis for diagnosing myositis of the back, the symptoms of which are immediately felt by condensation and pain.

Also, most often this pain is asymmetric.

Sometimes the symptoms of the myositis of the back muscles are confused with the signs of other diseases. So, in the upper part of the spine it can resemble osteochondrosis , and in the lower part it can be given to the kidney and imitate colic.

To understand the history it is important to take tests and visit a doctor to not miss the disease, and not get a complication. If it is difficult to turn your head or back, then this is the reason to go to the clinic.

Help with the disease

Typically, the treatment of myositis of the back muscles is short-lived, if the disease is not started. Can appoint:

If myositis has developed as a complication or acquired a chronic form, then most often prescribed analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is this treatment of the myositis of the back that will be selected first.

In addition, locally on the site of pain, warming up ointments can be prescribed, which make it possible to remove symptoms and distract the patient. Relieved muscle tension and through massage, physiotherapy, as well as other procedures, for example, therapeutic gymnastics.

In case of infection, antibiotics are prescribed.

In each case, bed rest is prescribed to allow the muscles to relax.

Home remedies

Often people who constantly face this disease, are engaged in self-medication at home and already know how to treat myositis of the muscles of the back. Very popular:

But in order not to happen that the disease has not been cured, and it has not taken on a chronic form, it is best to go to the hospital, because they know better than to treat myositis of the back muscles and how to prevent relapses.

In order not to lead to purulent myositis, when it becomes necessary to help the surgeon, it is best to immediately pay attention to the symptoms and take appropriate measures.

The better a person watches for his health, the less he gets sick. To prevent such a disease it is necessary:

  1. Dressing for the weather.
  2. Avoid drafts.
  3. Try not to let any disease into its own right.

One of the measures of prevention can be massage, gymnastics and even hardening.