Lamisyl Cream

Lamisil is a modern antifungal drug manufactured by a Swiss pharmaceutical company. The following dosage forms of Lamizil are available:

Let us consider in more detail the peculiarities of the use of Lamizil cream.

Composition and pharmacological action of Lamisil cream

Cream Lamisil (1%) is a homogeneous creamy mass of white color, which has a characteristic odor. It is produced in aluminum tubes of 15 and 30 g.

The main active substance of the drug is terbinafine hydrochloride. As auxiliary substances in the preparation contain:

Terbinafine is a substance with a broad spectrum of antifungal activity, which belongs to the group of allylamyls. It shows pharmacological activity to almost all fungal agents that can affect the human body. Namely, this substance has a fungicidal action against mold fungi, dermatophytes, some species of dimorphic fungi. On yeast fungi terbinafine can act as fungicidally, and fungistatically (depending on the type of fungus).

Terbinafine destructively acts on the cell membrane of the fungal cell, changes the early stage of biosynthesis of sterols occurring in fungi. Absorption of it into the bloodstream is less than 5%, so the systemic effect is insignificant. The drug does not affect the metabolic processes in the body.

In addition to antifungal, Lamisil has an emollient and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves itching and eliminates dryness.

Indications for the use of Lamisil cream

Cream Lamisil is used for the prevention and treatment of the following fungal infections of the skin:

It should be noted that the cream Lamisil is not applied from the fungus of nails because of inefficiency (with onychomycosis, a tablet form of the drug for oral administration is recommended). At the same time, the high efficacy of Lamisil cream is indicated when applied from the foot fungus, accompanied by increased dryness of the skin, the appearance of cracks on the heels (for example, in rubrofitia).

Method of application of Lamisil cream

Lamisil cream is applied externally once or twice a day. Before application, the affected areas of the skin are thoroughly cleaned and dried. The agent should be applied in a thin layer and distributed on the affected and adjacent areas, slightly rubbing.

In the presence of diaper rash (in the interdigital spaces, in the groin, under the mammary glands, etc.) after applying the cream, the affected areas can be covered with gauze.

The average duration of treatment is 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the extent of the lesion and the type of fungus. Reducing the severity of manifestations of fungal infection is usually observed in the first days of treatment. With irregular use of the remedy or premature withdrawal, there is a risk of the resumption of the infectious process.

Contraindications to the use of Lamisil cream

The drug should not be used with increased sensitivity to its components. Lamisil cream is also cautiously prescribed in the following cases: