Which thermos is better?

A thermos is a very necessary thing, especially if you are a fan of ecotourism , fishing or biking, or just often make home herbal tea. The thermos will also come in handy in order to take food for work, keeping it hot. But thanks to the abundance of goods on the shelves of various companies, the buyer is faced with the question of which thermos is better.

First of all, it is necessary to determine its variety. After all, thermoses are different - for drinks and for food, with a wide or narrow neck, glass, metal, plastic, etc. In addition, they are characterized by different capacities - this factor is also important. So, let's try to classify these goods into categories to choose the really such thermos that you need.

How to choose a good thermos?

Stop the choice for any model of the thermos should not be earlier than you have decided on its purpose. So, for drinks (tea or coffee) are designed high thermoses with a narrow neck, and for food - wider.

The main difference is in the material of the thermos flask from which it is made: it can be metal or glass. But the outer walls are usually made of metal or plastic. Here, one should also be guided by one's own preferences, since the strength and heat capacity of modern thermoses with metal and glass flasks are approximately the same. Which thermos bottle holds the heat better, also depends on the material: it is believed that these are models that have a glass bulb and a metal casing. By the way, glass models are also environmentally friendly. In addition, the glass is better washed - this you will feel already in the process of practical use of such utensils. Metal bulbs are the leaders in strength, so they are often bought for travel.

There are firms that specialize exclusively in the manufacture of thermoses, and they are recognized by the best of the most satisfied customers. These are such trademarks as Thermos, Stanley, Primus. They cost a little more than the output of other manufacturers, but it pays off a good quality of these good products. Each of the listed companies has its own line of thermos models for both food and beverages. For example, for the storage of hot food products, the market leaders are thermos Primus, Hendi, Thermos, Foogo, Lessner. For tea and coffee, the best combination of quality and price for the models Corto, Stenson Rainbow, Sferico Fiore, Arzum Duoterm.

However, the products of such popular dishware manufacturers as Bergner or Berghoff are worth mentioning. Therefore do not hesitate to specify in the store the name and country of the manufacturer - this is no less important than the price or appearance of the product.

And one more tip - do not buy thermoses in supermarkets. To do this, it is better to visit a specialized store (or online store) in order to acquire a truly high-quality model of a worthy manufacturer.

When buying a thermos, ask the seller to check its quality with the help of a hot water. In doing so, pay attention to the following points:

Thermos can be a good gift, because it is quite universal and can be useful to anyone.