Washbasin for garden and cottage

To work in the garden and in the garden is only fun, you need to create conditions for maximum comfort, even away from civilization. After all, it is much more pleasant, for example, to wash and wash hands after working with the earth with a washstand than pouring each other's hands from a bottle. It turns out that there are several different washbasins for the garden and the dacha, and they all have their advantages, which we will now consider.

Wash basin for cottages

This is the most budgetary option, familiar to us since our grandmothers. True, modern washbasins changed somewhat and began to look more presentable. In sales, you can find ordinary plastic washstands exactly the same as once iron.

A more modern version is a container of a rather large volume (up to 20 liters), which is closed with a dense lid and has a plastic small crane with a turn signal. Such a tank is convenient to attach to a fence, an old tree or in any suitable place. Water is poured into it by means of a hole in the upper part as needed.

Narrow washbasins for summer cottages

Another kind of wash-hand basins, which are located on the street, are executed on the same principle as in the villages, and they are called in the everyday life of "Moidodir", because it is similar to the hero of the same poem. This washbasin has a full sink in which you can wash vegetables.

On top of the metal plate to it is attached a tank, the water in which comes from a hose or poured in a bucket. The sink is attached to a pedestal, inside of which there is a bucket for dirty water or the discharge is carried out in a sewage pit. Such a washbasin occupies very little space, because it is very compact and can fit everywhere.

Electric sink for dacha

Basically, people install a street wash basin for giving without heating, and it costs accordingly inexpensively. He can stand outside during the whole summer season and not suffer from the impact of the environment. For the winter, however, it still needs to be dismantled, so that low temperatures do not damage the plastic.

But modern manufacturers went further and made a wash basin with a heating type of boiler. Outwardly it resembles Moidodyr and has a cabinet with a sink, but the tank can be sold separately.

Such a heater is installed in dachas, where there is electricity and certainly under a canopy or in a barn, because an electrical appliance requires a certain safety technology. The plastic tank has a capacity of 17 to 22 liters, and stainless from 15 to 30 liters. Such equipment consumes slightly more than a kilowatt of electricity and heats water to 60 ° C.