Fungal keratitis

Fungal keratitis experts call the inflammatory process in the cornea of ​​the eye, which appears due to the activity of microorganisms. Like any other ophthalmologic disease, it proceeds quite unpleasantly and causes a lot of uncomfortable sensations.

Manifestations of fungal keratitis

During examination of the cornea using a slit lamp, the following signs are found in patients with keratitis of fungal origin:

For the disease is characterized by the presence of an infiltrate with raised pinnate margins and gray-brown pigmentation. The texture of purulent discharge, as a rule, is uneven. Some patients have whitish coating on the cornea and endothelial plaques.

Treatment of fungal keratitis is required and in the presence of the following symptoms:

Treatment of fungus in the eyes

Fungi are living microorganisms. To destroy them there are special groups of drugs. In order for the therapy to be effective, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of eye-attacking fungus.

  1. Polyenes are effective against yeast and filamentous microorganisms.
  2. Natamycin is an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. To date, this is the only medication for topical use, fighting with fungal lesions of the eyes.
  3. Amphotericin B is useful in the treatment of keratitis caused by yeast fungi.
  4. Azols are used to treat most ophthalmic diseases. They stop the synthesis of ergogsterol and are capable of destroying the walls of microorganisms.

It is necessary to continue treatment with all the above medicines for at least twelve weeks.