Herpes on the body - the causes of the appearance of all types of the virus

There is a virus, carriers of various forms of which are almost all inhabitants of the planet. About 95% of the world's population are infected with herpes, some from the time of birth. The name of this pathology is translated from Greek as "creeping disease" because of its high infectiousness and rapid spread.

Types of herpes on the body

There are many types of the virus in question, but the most common are 6 forms:

Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate the types of herpes on the body - the photos presented below show the external similarity of most forms of the disease, especially in the acute period of infection. In order to correctly diagnose pathology, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and take the necessary biological materials for laboratory tests.

Herpes simplex virus type 1

The characteristic localization of the described type of the virus is the lips, the zones near the wings of the nose and the chin. Extremely rare is herpes of type 1 on the body. In exceptional cases, a simple form of infection affects:

When diagnosing it is important to find out why this herpes on the body appeared - the causes of the appearance of bubble rashes outside the face can be very serious:

Herpes simplex virus type 2

The genital form of pathology occurs mainly on the reproductive organs. In the absence of treatment, the rash spreads to the genitourinary system, affects the ovaries and cervix. It is important to know what the herpes looks like on the human body - the photo shows that this type of virus is very similar to the type 1 disease. If there was oral sex with the infected carrier, typical bubble rashes would also appear on the lips, which would complicate the differentiation. To clarify the diagnosis must definitely visit a specialist.

Human herpesvirus type 6

There are two subgroups of the considered disease - A and B. The first form is poorly studied, it is supposed to be associated with the emergence of the following severe pathologies:

The second type proceeds more easily, the herpes on a breast and a back in the form of fine granular pryshchikov is shown. This condition is diagnosed as a sudden exanthema and occurs mainly in children. Less frequently observed herpes present on the abdomen - the reasons for the spread of rashes on the lower part of the body are to suppress the functions of the immune system. If you do not start therapy on time, the disease will progress and fraught with complications.

Herpes zoster - lichen

The introduced type of the virus (zoster) provokes two pathologies. The debut of the disease often falls on the early childhood in the form of chicken pox. There is this herpes on the abdomen, back and limbs. A purulent rash is present on the face and head (in the scalp), in adults, the vesicles spread to the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals.

Recurrence of the zoster occurs at maturity. It is diagnosed as lichen or herpes zoster on the body - the causes of the appearance are similar to the occurrence of chicken pox. In addition to the characteristic rashes in the waist, this form of infection affects the nervous system. Even after full recovery for several months, the victim feels pain.

Epstein-Barr Infection

Herpes of the 4th type causes mononucleosis, especially the described type of pathology in people with impaired immunity functions. The Epstein-Barr virus is accompanied by symptoms of an acute respiratory illness with a sharp increase in body temperature. The photo shows how the herpes looks on the body - small pink and red spots, inclined to merge with each other. Rashes with mononucleosis in adults are rare, more often it occurs in children and adolescents.

Herpes cytomegalovirus

The considered disease in most people proceeds without typical symptoms as a carrier. Sometimes this herpes is visually noticeable on the body - the reasons for the appearance of rashes lie in the decrease in the activity of the immune system or the simultaneous progression of other viral diseases. The rash is red, characterized by the presence of small, closely spaced points. Localized such herpes on the toes, feet and hands. The skin around the pimples is irritated and a little swollen, strongly flaky.

Herpes on the body is contagious or not?

All types of this virus are highly contagious. The name of the pathology (creeping disease) answers the question whether herpes is contagious. Infection occurs even when in contact with the carrier of the disease, in which the disease occurs in a latent form. Because of this ability to spread pathology, almost the entire population of the planet is infected regardless of social status.

How is the herpes virus transmitted?

The described disease penetrates into the body in all accessible ways:

While it is not known for certain, whether the herpes is transmitted by household method through household items. There are cases confirming this variant of infection. This method of infection is particularly likely for a cytomegalovirus. People living in the same room often simultaneously diagnosed with such herpes on the body - the reasons for the appearance are the use of shared towels, linen and dishes. The remaining forms of the virus are distributed in the ways indicated above.

When does herpes cease to be contagious?

A characteristic feature of the contagiousness of any type of disease is the appearance of new vesicles filled with purulent fluid. The entire acute period of pathology remains very contagious, as much as it affects people with low activity of the immune system. When the rashes stop progressing, and all the blisters burst, turning into small ulcers with a dense coating (crust), the virus goes into a latent form and is considered harmless to healthy people.

Separately examined herpes zoster - it is contagious, depends on the state of immunity and anamnesis of others. If a person previously had chickenpox, has a stable immunity to zoster, the chances of infection are reduced to zero. Children and mature people who have not been in contact with this type of virus or who suffer from immunodeficiency will be infected.

Why does herpes appear on the body?

The debut of pathology is explained by primary infection, but its aggravation is caused by other external and internal factors. Recurrent herpes on the body - the causes of the appearance of symptoms:

Some additional circumstances provoke herpes zoster - the cause of the appearance of rashes, characteristic of this form of lichen, consist either in repeated contact with the zoster virus, or in a strong deficit of immunity. This type of disease is often diagnosed in the elderly and people suffering from a large number of chronic inflammatory diseases.

Could there be herpes in her arms?

The localization of a typical viral rash depends on the form of the progressive pathology. The generalized herpes on the body of the cause has the following:

In other cases, the rash is located in separate parts of the body. It is necessary to visit the therapist to differentiate the herpes on the hand - the causes of the appearance can be as in the listed infections, and in other forms of the disease:

Could there be herpes on the back?

Similar to the limbs, the viral rash also spreads to the trunk. Seldom there is a herpes on a back - the reasons of such localization are covered in infection zosterom. When chickenpox purulent blisters cover the entire surface of the body, and shingles surround the waist, including the lower back. Sometimes, bubbles occur in the region of the lower ribs and the middle of the spine.

Before the beginning of therapy it is important to know when and why there was herpes on the body - the main causes of the appearance of rashes should be eliminated. Without external provoking factors, the virus's progress will stop, and it will again go into a latent state. In addition, restoration or correction of the immune system will be required to exclude repeated exacerbations of the pathology.

Herpes on the body - treatment at home

The described disease rarely occurs in severe form, suggesting stay in the hospital. The virus can be translated into a latent state independently and greatly alleviate the symptoms of its appearance, but it is impossible to completely get rid of the pathology. At home, herpes treatment on the body with medications is performed. To eliminate purulent eruptions, spots or red swelling pimples, special preparations are used:

In addition to systemic and local antiviral therapy, it is necessary to support the functioning of immunity, therefore it is recommended to take additional:

In folk medicine, several effective drugs are offered to relieve the signs of herpes, dry out the pus with pus and speed up recovery. The simplest means:

The universal antivirus recipe

Ingredients :

Preparation, reception:

  1. Grind dry herbs and mix.
  2. Place 1 teaspoon of the collection in an enameled small saucepan, add the prepared water.
  3. Boil the solution for 60 seconds.
  4. Cover the container, turn off the heating and wrap the dishes with a towel.
  5. When the broth completely cools, strain it.
  6. Drink 30 ml of the solution up to 5 times a day.
  7. Often grease rashes with the received liquid, it is possible to apply with her compresses or lotions.

Herpes on the body - prevention

There are no specific measures that provide reliable protection against infection with the disease examined. To maximize protection from it, it is necessary to carefully examine the herpes on the body - the main causes of the appearance, the ways of infection and the factors provoking it. In addition, the general recommendations of specialists should be observed. Herpes virus - prevention:

  1. Avoid any contact with people with clear signs of disease progression (rashes and other symptoms).
  2. Watch for personal and household hygiene.
  3. It is full and balanced to eat, enrich the menu with vitamins, amino acids and minerals.
  4. Courses to take biologically active supplements are especially useful for L-lysine.
  5. Refuse harmful addictions, drink alcohol moderately.
  6. Get enough sleep, exclude stress and strong emotional experiences.
  7. Engage in only protected sex (before the emergence of a permanent partner).
  8. Maintain the immune system.