Odontogenic sinusitis

Odontogenic sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary paranasal sinus, which is caused by the spread of infection from the focus of chronic inflammation in the region of the upper molars (the fourth, fifth or sixth). Consider what are the causes, symptoms and treatment of odontogenic sinusitis.

Causes of odontogenic sinusitis

The infection of the oral cavity into the maxillary sinus can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Bad oral care and untimely dental treatment. Most often, the cause of the spread of infection is run caries, especially with nerve necrosis.
  2. Anatomical features. In many people, the roots of the upper posterior teeth are located near the nasal parietal sinus, which causes easy infection. This can occur as a result of thinning of bone tissue, unqualified actions of the dentist with a deep cleansing of the tooth canal, after tooth extraction.
  3. Injuries of the jaw. In the event of an injury with an indentation of the upper tooth, the septum between the upper jaw and the sinus may be impaired, which causes infection.

Symptoms of odontogenic sinusitis

Manifestations of odontogenic sinusitis:

If the disease passes into a purulent form, the listed symptoms become more pronounced. With the formation of perforation, the penetration of liquid food into the nasal cavity with the vertical position of the head can be observed.

In case of improper treatment of the acute form, chronic odontogenic sinusitis may develop. In this case, there are remission periods, as well as exacerbations, which usually occur as a result of respiratory diseases.

Treatment of odontogenic sinusitis

In the treatment of odontogenic sinusitis it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease. In many cases, with odontogenic sinusitis, a surgical procedure is required. It can be the removal of the "causal" tooth, the surgical restoration of the integrity of the septum, the removal of the affected mucous membrane of the sinus, etc. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed, the use of vasoconstrictive and analgesic drugs.

After treatment of odontogenic sinusitis it is recommended to use folk remedies for regular hygienic procedures for washing the sinuses of the nose. For this purpose, saline solutions and herbal medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula , etc.) are used.