Calendula - useful properties

It turns out that in nature there are marigolds that do not scratch. On the contrary, they gently and gently stroked, soothe and heal various diseases. Do not know what I'm talking about? Well, of course, about calendula, useful medicinal properties of which were used by our ancestors from time immemorial. Let's get acquainted with this wonderful medicinal plant, a real jewel of the treasury of the treasury.

Properties of the medicinal plant of calendula

So, what are the therapeutic properties of calendula, which is hidden under the thin skin of its tender leaves, a thin stalk and florid flowers and blush? Since ancient times, healers of different countries and peoples have used this pretty ornament of rural gardens and lawns as a powerful remedy for a variety of internal and external ailments.

With the help of decoction and infusion of calendula, acute and chronic hyperacid gastritis, severe forms of colitis, various diseases of the liver and gall bladder were treated. From the flowers and leaves of this plant, also excellent seasonings were prepared, not inferior in value and popularity to saffron. The roots and stems of marigolds were used as a medicine against cancer, breast cancer, mastopathy, skin cancer. And, finally, even delicious curative tea was made from calendula.

Calendula contains substances such as carotenoids, essential oils, fatty acids, saponins and manganese salts. This composition helps to improve the absorption of calcium and iron by the body. Therefore, her broths, infusions and tinctures are shown to people with joint diseases suffering from iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis and diabetes mellitus. These same substances accelerate the metabolism , which helps to eliminate excess weight and remove toxins from the body, improves the appearance of the skin and hair, increases vitality and overall well-being. Let's now see how to correctly use the useful healing properties of calendula on examples of various recipes from it.

Recipes from calendula for hair

Nails are an excellent tool for reducing fat, removing dandruff, enhancing growth, shine and splendor even with the thinnest and most unattractive head of hair. Here are some recipes based on calendula for hair, which can easily be prepared at home.

  1. Shampoo . Take a handful of marigold flowers and pour them with steep boiling water so that they are completely covered with water. Wrap and insist the marigold for an hour. Then strain and mix in a ratio of 1x1 with your favorite shampoo. You have obtained a medicine and a cosmetic in one bottle, suitable for any type of ringlets.
  2. Tincture of calendula against dandruff and hair loss . Take the medicinal tincture of marigold and burdock oil and mix in a ratio of 10x1, that is, 10 parts of marigold and 1 part of butter. Massage with massage movements into the scalp after washing. Repeat the procedure can be 1-2 times a week. If you have a dry hair type, but there is dandruff, then the composition should be prepared 1x1 and use it more rarely, once every 5-10 days.
  3. Infusion of calendula from the fatness of hair . Take 2 tbsp. l calendula flowers, pour them 2 glasses of steep boiling water, wrap and insist 2 hours. Then strain and apply on hair, put on a shower cap, shake the head with a towel and wait 20 minutes. After this time, rinse hair with warm water without shampoo. Repeat this mask 2 times a week.

Calendula Treatment

As noted above, calendula has many therapeutic properties. For example, a decoction of calendula is used to rinse the throat with angina and other colds, it is taken inside with diseases of the stomach, intestines and liver, it is made with lotions and poultices with various skin ailments.

On the basis of the oil, marigolds make ointment for the heels, prepare aromas for baths and therapeutic cosmetics.

As you can see, the beneficial properties of calendula are the sea, but simplicity and accessibility to the face. Settle this medicinal plant in your flower garden or garden and use it for health.