Daycon - planting and care, planting dates

Not so often in our beds you will meet this guest. Firstly, radish is more often bought than grown in the garden. And secondly, this guest, originally from warm Asia, adapts in our latitudes not so easily. The problem is not so much with the landing itself, as in the correct choice of the period and the selection of varieties of seeds.

Planting daikon in spring and autumn

The issue with the variety is decided based on the soil on the site. Plants of the group Shiroagari or Shogoin will feel quite good on clay soils. And here it is desirable to pick up Tokinki loam. If there is light soil on your site, you should think about buying seeds from the group Nerrim and Ninengo. However, we do not need to go deep into looking for the Daikon of foreign selection, since domestic masters of this case have already brought out the varieties for us convenient terms of planting. The variety "Sasha" is fully adapted and the typical problem with arming is solved by itself.

In general, the finer points of planting and caring for the daikon, as well as the timing of planting, are generally aimed precisely at avoiding this very rumor. Therefore, it is recommended to engage in planting either very early in the spring, or at the very end of summer. Again, a clear framework will be difficult to specify due to different climate. In one region September until the end of August, in others already at the end of August the October coolness.

According to the recommended dates for planting the daikon for the northern region, the planting in spring is generally not advisable, since the plant will begin almost immediately to bloom and the root crop is not formed. For the middle band, it is considered normal to plant seeds for seedlings already at the very beginning of April, and a month later this seedling is transferred to a greenhouse under a film. In the middle zone, it is approximately the middle of summer and until the end of August.

Cultivation and care of the daikon

It can not be said that care of the daikon is complicated or very wise. In fact, it all comes down to timely weeding and watering. But the correct choice of planting dates becomes the main problem in the issue of planting and caring for the daikon.

If you consider yourself an adherent of organic farming, then this culture will become your friend. The fact is that they plant it again after harvesting the first harvest. As predecessors advise to choose dill, green onions or salad. If you decide to plant the seeds immediately in the open ground, then it should be done about July, we will harvest from September until frost. If it is a question of a greenhouse, the terms of sowing the daikon are shifted for about a month. Then you can sow until the middle of August.

The very scheme of planting a daikon is very simple. We form high and at the same time narrow enough beds. About a distance of three fingers spread the seeds. Then, with the help of the pitchfork, pierce the earth for better air access to the roots. Punctures are done after watering the beds with water. Some gardeners prefer to grow large vegetables and adhere to a different scheme. Here between the seeds the distance is about 10 cm. In this case, it is possible to avoid thinning. For beds with mulches in general it is sufficient to use a continuous method.

Landing daikon and further care have some features:

  1. Experts in the cultivation of this culture have one trick: immediately after sowing, the bed is sprinkled with large ash, pollinating the crops again after germination. The fact is that the sprouts of this culture are a delicacy for slugs and some other pests.
  2. The more moisture, the more juicy and softer the root. In drought conditions, it will also grow, but will remain stiff and fibrous.
  3. Ideally, for this plant form high beds, where the fertile soil layer is not less than 40 cm.
  4. Be prepared for the fact that about a third of the root crop will stick out of the ground. To preserve its taste, it is important to plant the beds, and after thinning the plantings add a little phosphate fertilizer.