Ficus Kinki

Ficuses have long been hitting all records of popularity among houseplants. The reason for this is the perfect combination of spectacular appearance and simplicity in the care. One of the pets, also known as the fig tree, is Kinky Ficus. Ficus Kinki is one of the varieties of the ficus of Benjamin . It differs not only in its small size, but also in the variegated color of the leaves, which are of a light green color with a cream or salad border in the Kinki ficus. How to care for Kinki ficus and will be discussed in our article.

Ficus Kinki: transplant after purchase

So, you decided to settle in your house this wonderful plant and even purchased it in a flower shop. Do not forget that immediately after purchase, Kinki ficus needs a transplant. The pot for this plant should not be very large, its size should be related to the size of the root system of the ficus. It is not necessary to transplant Kinky's ficus into a ceramic pot: the plastic one also fits perfectly. The earth in the transplantation of the ficus will have to be completely replaced, because the substrates in which he lived in a flower shop are not at all suitable for a full plant life. If you leave the Kinki ficus in a shop pot, it will start to ache and shed the leaves, which is not part of your plans. Ficus transplantation is carried out by transshipment. In the future, the plant will need a transplant only when the pot is too small for it.

Ficus Kinki: reproduction

Like other ficuses, Ficus Kinki multiplies by rooting the apical cuttings. For this, the cuttings are cut obliquely. Do this with a very sharp knife or blade, and not scissors, because it is important not to crumple the fabric. The cuttings are rooted in water or sand at an air temperature of about 30 °, and then planted in a substrate or loose soil mixture. During the rooting, the cuttings of the ficus are arranged with a greenhouse, covering the pot with it with a jar or plastic bag. In order to accelerate the root formation, the cut of the cut should be treated with a stimulant (heteroauxin or corn root). When the plant is strong enough, it is transplanted into a pot with a soil mixture.

Fisk Kinki: care

In order to ficus Kinki pleased you for many years with lush greenery and healthy appearance, he needs to create the most comfortable conditions:

Ficus Kinki: falling leaves

One of the most frequent problems, which the owners of the Kinki ficus complain, is that the leaves begin to fall off. FROM than it is connected and how to deal with it? Most often, the Ficus sheds leaves for two reasons: it is either a change of habitual place or a transfer to a new pot. Therefore, for no particular reason, it is not necessary to cause stress to your favorite ficus and rearrange it from place to place. But also to the loss of leaves can cause and insufficient amount of sunlight or the presence of drafts in the room.

Ficus Kinki: features

Ficus Kinki has one interesting feature - its crown can be given the desired shape. In order to give the crown of the Kinki ficus the desired splendor is only necessary to plant several plants in one pot. Over time, their trunks will be intertwined, and the base may even grow together. Krona will be pleased with its unusually lush greenery.