Inflammation of the trachea - symptoms, treatment

Trachea is a cartilaginous tubular organ that connects the larynx to the bronchi. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea (tracheitis), most often occurs with colds or viral infections and can be both acute and chronic.

Causes and Symptoms of Trachea Inflammation

Acute tracheitis rarely appears as a separate disease, but is more often seen against the background of flu, colds, usually in combination with rhinitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. As a rule, the disease is provoked by viral infections, less often - bacterial (staphylococcal, streptococcal, pneumococcal) and fungal lesions. In addition, the development of tracheal inflammation can be facilitated by the inhalation of cold or dusty air containing irritants.

Chronic tracheitis usually develops from acute and is often observed in people who abuse smoking, prone to allergies, as well as with congestion in the airways caused by diseases of the lungs, heart, kidneys.

The signs of acute tracheitis usually appear after the signs of inflammation of the overlying parts of the respiratory tract. The most characteristic symptom of inflammation of the trachea is a dry cough, worse at night and in the morning. It also occurs with a deep breath, a laugh, a sharp change in the temperature of the environment.

Additionally, you can observe:

Than to treat an inflammation of a trachea?

Treatment of the disease is usually aimed at removing inflammation of the mucosa and in combating the causes that caused tracheitis. It should be noted that hot drink, throat lozenges and some other methods of treatment are ineffective in controlling the symptoms of tracheal inflammation and do not help to eliminate the painful coughing attacks.

Patients usually appoint mustard plasters on the chest. To improve the discharge of sputum during tracheitis, expectorants are prescribed:

Special cough suppressants are used to relieve coughing attacks:

It should be remembered that combining antitussives with mucolytics can not.

If the inflammation of the trachea extends to the lower parts of the respiratory system, antibiotics are used for treatment. When the flu is most often appointed Remantadine , and with an undetermined viral infection - Interferon.

In the case of timely treatment, the disease lasts for 1-2 weeks.