Pediculosis - treatment at home

Pediculosis is quite an unpleasant and disgusting disease, accompanied by the spread of insects in the scalp. Many believe that this disease can happen only with homeless people, but this is completely wrong. Pediculosis can be subjected to all. Sometimes you can get infected even in public transport, when the hair of an infected person and healthy contact.

How to determine whether this is pediculosis, or not?

Occasionally, parasites that fall on the human hair do not take root there. Also, insects seen on the head may not be lice, but fleas are random visitors from a dog or cat. "Guests" quickly leave an unfavorable environment for them, and pediculosis does not develop. The real symptoms of the disease are manifested in this way:

  1. Lice and their eggs are found on the hair, body and clothes of an infected person.
  2. Itching of different intensity throughout the head.
  3. After bites of insects, bluish traces remain on the skin.
  4. During the crushing of the insect, a click is heard.

Most often, treatment of pediculosis at home is quite effective and without repetition. The main thing is to do everything correctly and regularly during the prescribed treatment time.

Pediculosis - treatment with folk remedies

Today, there are many different options for treating pediculosis. For this, it is absolutely not necessary to resort to pharmacy products. A good and effective way are essential oils of tea tree and lavender, garlic and needles. All this can be purchased at a pharmacy at affordable prices or cooked at home:

  1. Essential oils of tea tree and lavender should be carefully mixed and applied to the roots for action, for about two hours. The main thing is that the oils are natural.
  2. Garlic let through garlic and get the resulting gruel on the hair. Leave for about an hour. The procedure can be repeated several times a day for a quick recovery.
  3. Coniferous infusion can be rinsed hair after washing. To do this, several branches of coniferous wood are poured with boiling water and insisted for three hours. The infusion should be concentrated.

Pediculosis - remedies for home treatment

First you need to buy a special shampoo in the pharmacy. Today, its diversity is so great that it can be easily found effective and inexpensive. Washing of the head with such a drug should last at least 10 days without interruption. Such treatment of pediculosis with drugs does not require much effort. Unless after washing to rinse hair it is possible in addition vinegar is it kills an infection and poisons insects. Immediately after washing, it is recommended to comb out the hair with a fine scallop, so you will be able to remove most of the parasites. Treatment of pediculosis with one vinegar will not give the desired result, since this table food is not so strong as to destroy live parasites and their laid eggs. Therefore, it is better use complex treatment. If you wash your head with tar tar , you can buy a special spray that destroys lice. This will help to get rid of unpleasant insects much more quickly in just a few days. Just remember that in any case, a thorough and regular combing of hair after each wash is necessary. It is also important not to forget about the general hygiene and safety of others. This applies to daily washing of things, bathing pets and disinfection of the dwelling (sufficient ventilation). Wipe dust every day and vacuum carpets so that the accidentally dropped insect does not return to you.