Pneumothorax lung

Pneumothorax of the lung is a pathological condition that threatens life, in which an accumulation of air (gas) is observed in the pleural cavity. Normally, the lung should be in a straightened state due to the difference in pressure in the pleural cavity and the lung itself. With pneumothorax, the tissue of the lung recedes due to the fact that the pressure in the pleural cavity increases, which in turn is due to the displacement of the mediastinal organs in the other direction.

Causes of pneumothorax of the lung

There are several types of pneumothorax in adults, depending on the underlying causes.

Primary spontaneous pneumothorax

This type of disease often has no apparent cause, but people with high growth and smokers are most prone to pathology. The following factors can provoke a pathology:

Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax

Pathology develops due to pulmonary diseases and other pathologies with lung tissue damage:

Traumatic pneumothorax

Its causes can be:

Symptoms of pneumothorax of the lung

The condition is accompanied by such signs:

Consequences of pneumothorax of the lung

Complications of pneumothorax are observed in about half of cases of pathology and can be:

In severe cases (with penetrating wounds, extensive lesion volume), a fatal outcome can occur.

Treatment of pneumothorax of the lung

If you suspect a pneumothorax, you should immediately call an ambulance. If there is an open wound, then before the arrival of a doctor it is necessary to impose a sealed bandage. After hospitalization, treatment methods are determined by the type and cause of the pathology. The main task is to remove air (gas) from the pleural cavity and restore it to negative pressure.