Urinary retention in women causes

Sometimes people, more often elderly people, face such a problem as urinary retention, which in women has various causes. In order to timely identify the problem, it is necessary to know what are the main features of this phenomenon.

What are the main symptoms of urinary retention?

The main symptoms of urinary retention in women are:

What are the forms of urinary retention?

In medicine, it is customary to isolate 2 forms of this condition, like urinary retention: acute and chronic.

The acute form is characterized by the fact that the inability to urinate itself for just a few hours develops. In this situation, women have a strong urge to urinate, which in the end does not happen.

With a chronic form of urinary retention, which is not uncommon in an elderly woman, urination is not difficult, but after every visit to the toilet in the bladder remains a large amount of urine.

Separately, we can distinguish, the so-called paradoxical form, - the ishuria , which develops against a background of overflow of the bladder and leads to urinary incontinence. The reason for this is the overgrowth of sphincters.

Causes of urinary retention

In order to schedule timely and correct treatment, each doctor tries to determine why the urine retention occurs in a woman. In this case, the following causes of urinary retention develop:

  1. Mechanical. In such a situation, the normal discharge of urine is disturbed by the presence of any obstacle, the main ones being trauma to the urethra, stones (stones) in the bladder , a tumor of the urethra, the uterus, and the rectum.
  2. Reflex disorders. Caused by a violation of the nervous system, which is responsible for the act of urination. This is often observed after operations performed on the pelvic organs, as well as as a result of severe nervous shocks.