Synthetic vitamins - benefit and harm

Vitamins should be administered daily for normal operation. They can be obtained from food products and from drugs developed in laboratories.

Are synthetic vitamins useful?

Disputes on this topic have not ceased for many years. Some experts claim that "chemistry" can not be useful to the body, while others believe the opposite. There is an opinion that artificial vitamins , subjected to deep purification, are more effective and better absorbed in the body. The advantages include the fact that all possible sources of allergy are completely removed from the drug.

For many people, information regarding the benefits and harms of synthetic vitamins is still unknown. Such ignorance can lead to serious problems, as recent experiments have yielded shocking results - the excessive use of synthetic vitamins is dangerous and provokes a reduction in life, this does not apply to nature. Artificial substances with prolonged use lead to the fact that the body stops without their help to fight with viruses and infections. Excessive consumption of vitamin A causes the development of liver diseases and headaches. A large amount of vitamin D can cause kidney and heart problems, and an excess of vitamin E negatively affects the stomach and leads to dizziness. In general, synthetic vitamins can be consumed, but only prescribe them and prescribe the dosage should the doctor.

The difference between synthetic vitamins and natural is due to the fact that they are, as it were, "isolated" and the organism can recognize them only with the help of other substances. Some vitamins are simply not digested or accumulated, or are inferred naturally. Many people are interested in how to distinguish synthetic vitamins from natural without laboratory tests? There is a way out - look at the packaging and if the substances are unnatural, then there will be indicated that the drug should be "taken by courses" or "make monthly breaks".