How to plant a plum in the fall?

In a large garden or dacha, for sure, there is a tree giving a harvest of sweet and fragrant fruits- plums . If the plum does not grow on your site, it's time to plant it. By the way, they usually do this in the spring or autumn. Well, in this article we will talk about how to plant a plum in the fall.

Autumn plum planting - the choice of place and time

Since the plum - the culture is light and thermophilic, the best part for it will be small elevations or slopes of hills, where the sun's rays fall. At the same time the site should be protected from strong winds. The tree is suitable for fertile, but at the same time loose soil. Wetlands and lands with groundwater above 1.5 m are not suitable for this purpose.

If you talk about when you can replant the plum in the fall, then it is best to choose a day in late September, when there is no frost. It is important that the tree slows sap flow, but it has time to get used to the new place.

How to plant a plum seed in autumn?

Two weeks before planting, it is necessary to excavate a pit up to 60 cm in depth, about 80 cm in diameter. Fertilizers mixed with excavated soil (bucket of overgrown manure, potassium salt of 65 g, superphosphate 350 g) are placed on the bottom. If the soil is dense, it can be mixed with sand to improve drainage properties.

When choosing a seedlings, note that the plum seedling has a strong root system. For planting, it is optimal to use a one- or two-year-old seedling. He is lowered into the landing pit, gently straightens the roots and falls asleep, periodically pritaptyvaya it. It is important that the root neck was located at a height of 3-4 cm from the ground level. If necessary, a stick is inserted into the pit for the tree, which will become a support for the unstable plum. Then the tree is watered and mulched with peat or hay .

If, due to circumstances, you have to plant the seedlings late in the autumn, then for a better wintering the plum should be dug in a small ditch obliquely and almost completely covered with earth, peat, and in winter also with snow. And in April a young tree can be transplanted to a permanent place.

How to properly transplant a plum in the fall?

It so happens that the gardener needs to transplant an adult plum to another place, for example, more lit or closer to plums of other varieties, which will help improve yield. Keep in mind that "redeployment" is tolerated well only by young trees under the age of 5 years. For two weeks, before replanting the plum in the autumn, dig a hole in a new place and put fertilizer on its bottom. The tree is excavated together with an earthen lump. It is advisable to wrap it tightly with a wet burlap. Then the plum is gently placed in a prepared pit with burlap, covered with earth, pritaptyvayut, poured 1-2 buckets of water and mulched.