Soil for seedlings

It's no secret that the quality of the crop on the site depends on many factors. One of them and an important one is the composition of the soil used to grow seedlings . Which soil for seedlings is better - purchased or prepared by own hands - you can learn from our article.

Which soil for seedlings is better?

Today in the market you can find soil mixtures intended for growing practically all representatives of the green kingdom. There are special mixtures for growing cacti, flowering plants and various kinds of vegetables. But the proportions of nutrients in their composition are calculated for the full development of adult plants and are absolutely not suitable for growing seedlings. Seedlings grown on such a soil mixture in the open ground will be ill for a long time, and as a result will not be able to give a full harvest.

Soil for seedlings

Preparation of soil for seedlings begins with the determination of its composition. There is an opinion that the more components will contain seedlings, the better it will be in plants. This is not true, because the determining factor is not the quantity, but the quality of the elements entering into the ground.

One of the simplest soil recipe for seedlings includes only two components - garden land and humus in a ratio of 1/1. It is important that the land for the mixture is taken in the right place. Absolutely not suitable for growing seedlings land with cucumber or potato beds, since it has a lot of nitrogen and can be pests. But the land on which legumes grew will affect the growth of seedlings in the best way. Ideal option will be the land of mole heaps, as it is well loosened and filled with nutrients. As humus, you can use both cow-dung for 2 to 3 years, and leaf land, obtained as a result of the pereprevanyvaniya fallen leaves. Best for these purposes are the leaves of maple, aspen, birch and linden. But oak and willow leaves contain a lot of tannins and fertilizers are not suitable.