Growing strawberries in a greenhouse

When the berry appears on the table in the cold season, it's just a holiday for the children. Strawberries, grown in a greenhouse, will be a surprise for the whole family. We will discuss in more detail how to grow strawberries in a greenhouse for the joy of all relatives.

Growing strawberries in a greenhouse in winter

Dimensions of the greenhouse should be standard, the parameters do not differ from any other greenhouse.

The first thing to do is to lay the buds of strawberries. For this, dark lighting is suitable, ideally it is necessary to work at night, in the dark. If in the autumn you put buds of strawberries in a greenhouse, you can please your loved ones in March or May.

An important stage in the cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse is the laying of quality planting materials. The soil must be slightly acidic, neutral is allowed. It is preferable to use seedlings, which are obtained from plants of biennial age.

To obtain a succulent and sweet harvest, provide a layer of fertilizer or humus at least 15 cm. You can use the planting material from the mustache, which was obtained during the previous season.

How to grow strawberries in a greenhouse?

The beds should be watered until the fall, when the temperature drops, the seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse. There are two fundamental rules in the technology of growing strawberries in a greenhouse: strict adherence to the temperature regime, timely watering.

The temperature in the greenhouse should not exceed -2 ​​° C. After the beginning of flowering plants can be strengthened the upper part of the greenhouse. Since the beginning of the growth of fruits, the ventilation of the greenhouse is stopped altogether.

Timely watering is the guarantee of a quality and guaranteed harvest. Make sure that the soil is not too waterlogged. This can lead to the appearance of diseases. In addition, the taste of berries will be not expressed and watery.

Strawberry varieties for greenhouses

For the cultivation of strawberries in a greenhouse Elsanta, Pineapple, Will and Kama are good. At the end of summer they collect a mustache with good developed rosettes. Containers for sprouts pick up with a good drainage system. The pot is stuffed with peat, which passes moisture, it is purchased in specialized stores. For a good growth of the shoots, a constant thermal regime and lighting are required. A light day must last at least 8 hours. For additional lighting use a lamp. If you extend the light day to 16 hours, the harvest will mature much earlier.