Flea dermatitis in cats

There are two seasons in which the problem of skin diseases in animals is quite acute and requires timely treatment - this is summer and autumn. The cat constantly itches, its bald patch appears on its fur, and the domestic pet suffers greatly from this. Culprits - fleas , which, among other things, can also cause allergies.

How to install and treat flea dermatitis in cats?

So, flea dermatitis in cats is an allergic disease caused by fleas. The presence of parasites in the hair of a pet is easy to detect when combing, so the owner, who has noticed something wrong, must certainly take the necessary measures.

Symptoms of dermatitis in cats are obvious and their number and variants of manifestation are different:

Also, if you start bathing an animal, you can see how the water acquires a scarlet tint, due to the fact that fleas feed on blood. Among the symptoms can also be attributed to the formation of solid small knobs and plaques on the body of a cat.

So, the treatment of flea dermatitis in cats is to use special shampoos that destroy parasites. In this case, experts advise applying a remedy to the withers of the pet with a few drops, which then spread over the entire body. The drugs should be used within 4-7 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease, especially during periods of seasonal exacerbation. In addition to shampoos, the cat can also be given vitamin preparations, and in separate, especially serious cases, ¬- inject injections.

Flea allergic dermatitis: the solution is

Flea allergic dermatitis in cats is evidence that the sensitivity of the animal to flea bites is increased. The level of such susceptibility is not easy to reduce, you can only save the animal from painful symptoms. It should be borne in mind that even without allergies, the cat because of the bites combs itself with claws, which leads to scratching of wounds that cause discomfort to the pet.

It is impossible to name an unequivocal means in answering the question of how to cure dermatitis in a cat, because here the main thing is to constantly monitor, especially during seasonal exacerbations, the condition of the pet's hair, to use special means for prevention purposes and to fix a special collar around the neck of a mustached pussy.