Why does my chin scratch?

Signs associated with the occurrence of pruritus in different parts of the body remain relevant for a long period of time. Thanks to them, each person can learn about some future events. A sign explaining why the chin is itching has several interpretations, so they should be compared with real life. It is important to exclude other causes of itching, for example, an insect bite or the presence of irritations.

Why does my chin scratch?

Still our ancestors believed that the itching in this part of the body has to do with the romantic date. If you like a person and during the thought-out of the meeting, your chin was combed, you can be sure that everything will end successfully. It is important to take into account that the sign does not say that the relations themselves will be happy, since it will require a lot of effort. For people in relationships, the itch in this part of the head may indicate that a loved one is very jealous. It's worth to be careful and not to provoke a partner, as this can lead to parting.

The reason why the chin on the right side is itchy can have a negative character and mean the approach of some kind of trouble. Still it can be a warning that there is a risk of developing a serious conflict that may result in a fight. If the itching appeared on the left side is a good sign, indicating that soon the person will receive pleasant news, and also you can count on a successful resolution of existing problems.

There is another interpretation of the omens, why the chin is itching. Often our ancestors associated itching in this area with human health. If the chin is strongly combed, then, soon, some kind of disease can arise, and a close relative or friend. To narrow the circle, there is a clarification that this person should have a bristle or a beard. If you notice that the other itches under the chin, it means that something unexpected and joyful will happen in his life.

Other superstitions about the chin

If in this part of the head there is a pimple that itches and hurts, then, in the near future, someone from close people will get seriously ill. There are signs that allow us to talk about the character of a person. For example, holders of dimples on the chin are contradictory natures. Heavy chin indicates stupidity and selfishness.

Everyone has the right to decide for himself whether to believe in signs or not, but it is worth remembering that they contain the wisdom of ancestors who have more than once convinced of the veracity of superstition.