A plot for good trading

Often there are situations where a person engaged in trade, like, and the goods are good and the prices are low, but here the business stands still and profits do not bring it. In this case, great importance is luck , which can be enlisted with the help of magic. There are many different conspiracies and prayers for good trading, which have their own rules. First, it is best to read the plots in the daytime of the year before sunset during the period of the waning moon. Secondly, the rituals for trading are best spent on Wednesday and Saturday. Third, the belief in a positive result is of great importance, since nothing will turn out.

Strong plot to trade

In order to attract cash flow to itself and successfully realize its goods, it is necessary to carry out the ritual directly in the place where the sale is carried out and the goods are located. You need to take a coin of medium dignity and dip it in eucalyptus oil. Then on it three times read such a plot:

"I give tribute to trading roads. As my money you will accept, so I will send good luck! So that the trade went uphill, customers would go in crowds, Yes, they would buy everything, they did not spare money, they did not go without purchases. Amen!"

After that, the coin should be thrown into the center of the hall or counter, saying "Paid!" . It can not be removed, it is best if the client raises it. The ritual begins to act almost immediately.

The strongest conspiracy and rite of commerce

You have to start ritual before you go to work in the morning. Looking at the sunrise or just standing to the east, it is necessary

let go of all thoughts and say such a conspiracy:

"Works, Lord, you are the rivers of your pure lips, because without me you can not do anything. My Lord, Lord, believe in our soul, help me sinful, servant of God (name), life improve trade in buying, selling and changing, and in everything. You are the Lord, Lord, you have made it in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Holy Archangel Michael, in your holy name we trade, save, preserve and bless with your holy prayers the servant of God (name) start and carry out a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; and now, and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen".

Words repeat 12 times.

A plot for good trading in the store

For this rite, you should prepare a container of white color, but not of metal. In it, pour a little water and read over it:

"Lord Sabaoth, help me in the bargaining,

in buying, selling and exchanging:

Protect from the eyes of the wicked, from the eyes of those who are jealous,

from ruin, from corruption, from all evil of detainment.

As bees swift to sweet honey,

let and buyers of money to me run,

praise my goods, tell others and take,

and more than once and not two at my doorstep will come.

In words my castle for ever and ever. Amen".

Intense liquid, sprinkle the corners in the store. It is important that during the performance of the ritual, no one interfered and did not see you. Repeat the conspiracy weekly.

Strong plot for good trading from the envy of competitors

As you know, the words and even the thoughts of a person are of great strength, so the negativity on the part of the neighbors in trade can greatly affect success. Many competitors are ready to do much to remove obstacles on the way. That is why it is recommended to defend yourself against the negative using the amulet .

To make it, you need to take a new scarf, comb and pin. Say these words to these words:

"Oh my God,

I stand before you,

I ask you to keep it tightly,

protect this defense.

I ask the holy army

Me from evil spirits:

Ivan the Long-suffering,

Ivan the Theologian,

Ivan the Baptist,

Ivan the Baptist,

Ivan Bezglavoy,

Michael the Archangel,

Nicholas the Wonderworker,

Archangel Gabriel,

Praskovya the Great Martyr.

Faith, Hope, Love

and Mother Sophia.

I stand up under your protection,

That you defended me.

In the Name of the Father and Son

and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In the scarf, put the other two items and always carry them with you as a talisman from competitors.

Effective conspiracy to trade successfully

If trading success has disappeared somewhere, then you can conduct an easy ritual on a full moon. Go out and go to the nearest intersection, holding a handful of coins in your left hand. Arriving at the scene, say such a conspiracy:

"The moon, the moon, as you are full, so full and I will have.

Go, money, to my hands every day, every hour, every minute.

I return the evil, I take the dear. Now and ever, and for ever and ever. Amen."

Then throw the coins into the center of the road. When you come home light the church candle, wash yourself and say these words:

"Failure washed away, God's help received. Evil in my life disappears, good comes. Amen."

There are situations when the buyer left and did not take the change, in which case it can be used for the ritual to improve the business. Leave a little thing you should not use in work, but take it home. In a calm atmosphere, light the candles and read the words on the coins:

"A month full, average month and young! I have a treasure from my penny. As my mother gave birth to me, in the first diaper swaddled, So you people treasure great to me! Amen!"

The conspiracy is repeated three times, and you keep the coins in your wallet as a talisman, which will be work as a magnet to attract new customers.

Sellers have their tricks that help attract buyers. Some even have the talent to quickly sell completely unnecessary things, and for the maximum price. To get yourself and this ability, it is necessary to conduct a rite. When the buyer comes, it is necessary for him to smile, and then, rubbing his hands, say such a conspiracy aloud:

"Please take it, it's inexpensive!"

Then mentally say these words:

"You will take mine, you will give it away. Amen".

Ritual can be repeated as many times as necessary to increase sales.