How children entertained themselves long before the advent of the computer era

In this article you will see what the children played before the computer technologies burst into our life.

Have you ever noticed that over the past 10 years our yards have been emptied? Modern children prefer to spend their leisure time sitting at a computer or other gadget, and this makes it a little sad.

1. Grab and pull

This game was popular and recommended by teachers of the 20s of the XX century, as an aid to throw out the aggression, accumulated in children, without harm to others.


For the game you need two teams, preferably at least 5 people in each. Two teams line up opposite each other in a straight line, between which a line is drawn. The essence of the game was to grab and drag the participants of the opposite team to their side, without stepping behind the drawn line to the territory of rivals. The game was considered over when there was only one player left on one side.

2. A swing on the lamp post

This game was a favorite pastime for children in the post-war period in the second half of the 40s.


All that is needed for the construction of a swing is a simple street lamp for two plafonds and a strong rope. The two ends of the rope were thrown across the plafond, tied around it, and the hinge hanging below served the children as a merry swing.

3. Hide and Seek

All the children, until the early 2000s, played this game in a hurry, hiding behind bushes, cars and other imaginable places in the courtyard. The game is incredibly simple, so you can play it anywhere.


To begin with, use any counters to choose water or catcher, whoever is closer. After that, the chosen catcher becomes face to some wall, tree, etc. and starts counting: "One-two-three-four-five, I'm going to look. Who has not hidden, I'm not guilty . " During this time, the remaining players must hide. The task of the trapper is to find everyone and first to "catch" them at the place where the report started, i.e. the catcher runs race with the found participant to the specified place and, upon reaching the goal, screams: "Vova's knock-knocking (the name of the found participant)" , but if the found participant comes first, then he shouts: "Knocking knock-on-yourself . " Whom the catcher "catches" the latter, he becomes in his place.

4. Edible-inedible

A cheerful ball game, which is accentuated by the attention of the participants.


All participants become in a row or sit down on a bench. The chosen leader starts each of them to throw a ball with the name of different food or non-edible items. The participant to whom the ball is addressed should click on it with the name of the edible product with the word "edible", and if the item is not suitable for food, then the ball must be deflected back to the leader with the word "inedible". The leader can throw the ball to the participants, not observing the order of the players, and also increase the speed and tempo of the shots to confuse them. The one who did the action is not right, is considered a loser and takes the lead, and the leader goes to his place.

5. Salochki

This is the simplest, but fascinating game, it is also called catch-up, kwach or "fishing". In general, it has up to 40 variants of names.


With the help of counting, fishing is designated, which tries to catch up with participants who run away from it in different directions. Usually the boundaries where you can reach are indicated. If fishing caught up with someone and touched him, then he becomes fleeing, and one who could not escape - fishing.

6. Sif

This game resembles the version of the salok, but only a catcher, he is a "sif", he must not touch a fleeing participant with his hand, but rather to kindle to him, some light object, often dirty or unpleasantly smelling. To do this, use a rag or a twisted rope, and if you play on the beach, then you can rush wet sand. In whom the catcher has got, that also becomes a new "sif".

7. Classics

One of the oldest games, it was played by boys since the middle of the nineteenth century, at first it was considered a purely boyish game. In Russia, this game came to the end of the same century.


On the asphalt pavement, 10 squares are delineated in a rectangular field, which ends in a semicircle, called "fire", "boiler" or "water" for different children. There are also several options for marking the field, but the essence of the game does not change from this. For the game is taken pebble, which rushes to start in the first square, after which the player begins to jump alternately, then one foot, then another, then two, pushing at the same time with a pebble. When the player reaches the last square, he needs to turn 180 degrees in a leap and "jump" everything in the reverse order. During jumping, you can not step on the line of marking or confuse the order of the legs, otherwise you will have to give way to another player and then start all over again.

8. Knocked out

During the game in you can properly charge the ball, but this not only does not stop the players, but even more provokes them. The game is very simple and, besides the ball and an unlimited number of players, nothing else is needed.


Choices are knocked out (they can also be called bouncers) at will or with the help of all the same counters. They can be one or two people on each side, the remaining players become the center. The task knocked out to hit the ball in the players jumping from him, i.e. knock them out. Knockout players are allowed to catch the ball, but you can not let it go to the ground, because then the player will be considered "knocked out." The last player should try to dodge the ball as many times as he is old, and if he succeeds, the bouncers do not change. The game continues until all players are knocked out. Then knocked out first and last become picks.

9. Rubber band

A favorite girl's game of 60-90 years of the twentieth century. Most often for the game used a long knitted elastic for cowards. And the owner of a special elastic and high-quality gum was considered at that time "major", since such an elastic band was a deficit.


Two players pull a rubber string between themselves, the third player starts jumping. In the game there are different levels, depending on the height of the rubber band from the floor, in the ankle area was considered the easiest, and each time rose higher, the number of levels is not limited, the main thing is that the player could jump. Also, there were a lot of techniques with which the player had to pass more than all levels.

10. The jump rope

Jumping on the rope was one of the most favorite activities of children.


Jump on the rope needed different styles, which were determined by difficulty levels, increasing speed. You could play as one, setting the pace yourself, and several participants who held the rope and increased the speed of the jumping player.

11. Cossacks-robbers

Another cult game, which was played by more than one generation of children. They say that the game was born in the XVI century with real Cossacks, when they had to repel frequent raids of various enemies.


Depending on the region, the rules may have differences, but the essence of the game remains the same. For the game you need two teams respectively - "Cossacks" and "Robbers". It means "battlefield", beyond which you can not go out during the game, atamans and leaders in teams are selected. Cossacks are identified with the place of the headquarters and equip the "dungeon," and the robbers come up with passwords, among which only one can be true, the rest are knowingly false. After all the preparations, the robbers scatter and hide, leaving tags-clues for the Cossacks, and the Cossacks should look for them. In the game, the Cossacks are trying to catch all the bandits, and the robbers are trying to capture the headquarters of the Cossacks.

12. Hot potatoes

Favorite game of children, whose childhood was in the 70's, 80's and 90's.


Children become in a circle and throw each other a ball (hot potato), those who dropped the ball or did not have time to quickly repel it and hesitated, sit down in the center of the circle (cauldron) squatting and try to catch the ball flying over them. The remaining participants can sentence to those sitting in the "cauldron": "Varis-cook potatoes, but do not jump out" . If a participant in the center of the circle manages to catch the ball, then all the "potatoes in the pot" are released, and the one who misses the ball sits down in the center in their place, and the game continues indefinitely.

13. The square

Basically the game is boyish, but sometimes very active and athletic girls joined in. The game of the era of the 90's for 4 participants.


For the game you need a ball or a sox (most often for its manufacture took the nose of the sock, stitched it, pre-filled with sand, flour or some cereal). Then on the asphalt they drew a huge square, which was divided into four equal parts. In each square becomes a player who must throw each other just kicked the ball or the soks, while you can not let it go to the ground and go beyond your squares. Anyone who missed the ball or went beyond the square, is out of the game.

14. Elephant

A game that requires physical strength, so it was played by older children.


According to the rules, it is necessary to divide into two teams "Elephant" and "Horsemen". Children from the group "Elephant" become, bending over one another, firmly pressing their shoulders to the thigh in front of the person standing, clasping him with both hands. "Horsemen" must jump one by one on the back of the "Elephant" as close as possible to the head. The essence of the task is that the "Elephant" withstand the "Horsemen" on the back, and "Horsemen" should hold onto it.

15. The goat or the frog

This game was very popular among kids.


For the game you need to choose a flat, blank wall, on which lines are drawn in height, indicating the levels. Each player must throw the ball against the wall no lower than the specified mark, and when he, hitting the wall, flies, the cast member must jump over it before striking the ground. Anyone who has not jumped will receive the letter "K-o-z-y-l" or "Z-a-b-k-a" as punishment for the order, the names may vary depending on the region.