35 examples that will show what is pofigism

Psychologists teach their clients not to concentrate on the opinion of others. As an example, you can use photos of people who still care about what is happening around.

Emphasizing the opinion of others, people have to infringe on themselves in some way, refusing to enjoy many pleasures. In some situations, you need to learn to "include pofigism." Your attention - an example of people who really do not care about the opinions of others.

1. When you have little time for cooking dinner, look for different outlets. Sorry for the other passengers of this car, who had to cry from the bow.

2. During the lunch break, every worker can do whatever he wants.

3. A real rebel, ready to violate all four prohibitions of this hypermarket. I wonder how it ended?

4. When there is a lot of time left before the plane, and you can relax, flaunt your favorite magazine. Embarrassment of those around him clearly does not care.

5. The flood period is not a reason to stay at home, especially if the local restaurant sells delicious crabs.

6. Why waste time in vain, when you can turn on the autopilot and read an interesting newspaper.

7. The rule of this woman: training will be effective if it starts with a favorite cocktail. You can try to work out on this principle.

8. A picture called "why this markup is needed at all" or "when everything is against the system".

9. When a person is seasoned, he does not need to spend money on buying winter clothes, because you can walk like that.

10. If the institution does not have a cup for drinks of suitable volume, then you have to improvise on the go.

11. This is either an immense love of golf or really steel nerves and a disregard for what is happening around.

12. If you go shopping with your mother, then at any age you can be a little girl.

13. The guy is clearly accustomed to various checks, special operations and searches, for him such situations become commonplace.

14. On a hot day, you are ready for a lot of things just to freshen up. This can be called a secret from Marilyn Monroe.

15. Why panic, if the house broke through the pipes, you can pretend that you are finally on a long-awaited vacation. We hope that the guy does not have neighbors from the bottom.

16. When you are lying in bed, and then suddenly turn off the Internet, and you are already tuned in order to watch an interesting film.

17. It seems that at this point the sportsman was watching the beautiful girl, but the probability that she walked through the field is equated to zero.

18. Everyone is so keen on posing for a photo that they did not notice that one person was blown out of the frame. We hope they found it in the sea.

19. A clear example of the maximum pofigizma, most importantly, that it does not end in an accident.

20. A girl since childhood dreamed of riding a zebra, but it did not work, so I had to make myself such an analog.

21. Everyone attains relaxation and meditates in his own way, the main thing is the result.

22. If you forgot to buy candles for the cake, but the birthday boy really wanted to make a wish. Or maybe this is a new trend?

23. When there were few hours to prepare a term paper, and you immediately go to bed from the library, without having to change your clothes.

24. You can not be afraid of anything, because the place is carefully guarded, only the picture does not match, but it's trifles.

25. These sexy beauties do not surprise anyone, but here on the Internet appeared a new cool video.

26. Student parties simply do not give a normal sleep, so you need to look for different options for recreation. Maybe he remembers that better?

27. Pofigizm inherent even to animals who do not care what happens around, most importantly, that it was convenient to sleep.

28. Waiting for the prince on a white horse, the woman was tired of looking out the window and proceeding to more determined actions.

29. What for to panic, after all in critical situations it obviously will not help, and here the cigarette is this it.

30. A guy or thing did not have time to dry after washing, or he simply reveals the designer's talents.

31. When you are so fond of your house that even the danger of collapse and death will not make you go out.

32. I was going to the mountains, and the flight was delayed for a long time, it's good that there was a tent and a sleeping bag, because you can relax in comfort.

33. Correct behavior of the grandmother - not to react to manipulations of the child, will lie down, will calm down and will rise.

34. The store held an action, and each visitor could evaluate the work of the new console. The guy took a 100% chance.

35. Rest should be with maximum comfort: next to no one interferes, does not close the sun - ideally.