Baked pumpkin - good and bad

The pumpkin has all the necessary chemical elements for our body. Nutritionists recommend to include it in your diet, tk. The pumpkin contains only 22 kcal per 100 g, and is a dietary product. It is an excellent source of carotene and moisture, of which a pumpkin is 90%. The most basic microelements contained in it are magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus - all of them are necessary for us to maintain good immunity.

Particular attention should be paid to the supply of vitamins. It is thanks to them that the pumpkin becomes for us an essential source of important components involved in all the processes of the body. Most of the chemical elements are vitamin beta-carotene, which protects us from harmful substances. Also in the pumpkin there are vitamins PP, E, B1, B2 and B12.

Dishes from a pumpkin are very various, and everyone can pick up for itself the most tasty and simple. One of the most common ways of cooking is baking in the oven. A great benefit for the human body is the baked pumpkin attached honey. In addition, you can add sugar or spicy herbs.

Benefits of a baked pumpkin

  1. Containing a large amount of vitamin A, pumpkin affects the health of our eyes, improving eyesight and protecting against disease.
  2. When losing weight, be sure to include this product in the diet, tk. thanks to him you can support the body with a sufficient number of important chemical elements, without fear of gaining extra pounds.
  3. For those who suffer from digestive disorders, the pumpkin will be needed because of the high fiber content, which helps the food to be digested.
  4. Due to its remarkable properties, it removes slag from the body, cleaning and normalizing the salt balance.
  5. Because of the high content of vitamin C, the pumpkin will protect against colds and help to cope with insomnia .
  6. Very often this wonderful vegetable began to be used in cosmetology, tk. The properties of the pumpkin have a beneficial effect on the skin, causing the cells to regenerate faster.

Despite all the benefits of a baked pumpkin, it can cause harm in certain diseases.

Harm of a baked pumpkin

The benefits of a baked pumpkin in the oven can be said very much, but also about the harm for people with stomach diseases, and not only, you need to know. Discard the pumpkin, if you: