The ovary hurts after ovulation

It is known that ovulation is the process of the release of a mature ovum from the ovary. In some women, this phenomenon is accompanied by pain.

Why does ovary after ovulation?

There are two theories about the origin of pain.

  1. The first says that the pain is caused by the actual rupture of the follicle tissue, from which a mature egg leaves.
  2. According to another theory, the reason why the ovary hurts during ovulation is a small hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity from the ruptured follicle.

What is the pain like ovulation?

Pain in the ovary after ovulation can be sharp and sharp or less intense - pricking and pulling. More often than women complain, that at an ovulation the right ovary hurts, however the pain can be localized and in the left side, as a rule, every month from the different party or side. With ovulation, the ovaries are aching from a few minutes to 48 hours, some women also notice attacks of nausea.

When should I worry?

Pain in the ovary during ovulation is considered normal and physiological. But if the ovary hurts before ovulation and continues to ache after ovulation, and also if there are particularly painful sensations or bleeding - this may indicate such serious pathologies as polycystosis, ovarian fibrosis or endometriosis . Do you doubt if the ovaries hurt with ovulation or are they signs of a more serious diagnosis? Take a survey from a gynecologist to eliminate doubts.

How to relieve pain?

  1. Drink more water - dehydration can increase pain. 6-8 glasses of water a day will make up for the loss of fluid and ease the condition.
  2. Take a bath - this will help you relax and reduce spasm.
  3. Use a heating pad to quickly get rid of the pain.
  4. Take a mild pain killer, for example, Ibuprofen.
  5. Consult your doctor about taking birth control pills, as they suppress ovulation, and therefore, unpleasant sensations can be avoided.