Low hemoglobin - consequences

Hemoglobin is a special form of protein, which in combination with iron promotes the transport of oxygen from the respiratory system to all organs. Thanks to this, the body is filled with energy, which ensures its vital activity. Low hemoglobin, the consequences of which we will discuss below, carries serious changes in the human body and can cause the development of a variety of pathologies.

The causes and consequences of low hemoglobin

Deviation of hemoglobin from normal is impossible to detect by eye. For a long time, signs may be absent and only after an even greater decrease become noticeable. The most striking symptoms are:

The main causes of decreased hemoglobin are:

  1. Deficiency in the body of iron, whose reserves can be quickly replenished, changing the diet.
  2. Low hemoglobin, the cause of which can be a deficit of catalysts, leads to a variety of consequences. These substances are necessary for the assimilation of iron. These include vitamins of group B. One of the most important is vitamin B9 (folic acid). Vitamin C makes it possible to get iron from plant products.
  3. Also, the cause of very low hemoglobin and its consequences can be the presence of bleeding. In this case, iron in the body is enough, but it can go away with wounds, prolonged menstruation, surgery and hemorrhoids.
  4. Loss of large amounts of blood during donation.
  5. The processes of the body, leading to the reduction of red blood cells. This can occur with cirrhosis , infectious and autoimmune diseases.

What are the consequences of low hemoglobin?

Deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood is accompanied by such symptoms as:

As a result of anemia skin can change its color, while they become not only pale, but also acquire a yellowish tinge. In addition to this, there is a change in language. Its mucosa becomes bright red, and the tongue becomes painful.

The consequences of low hemoglobin in the blood as the disease develops become more serious. When anemia, human immunity is weakened. As a result, the probability of infectious diseases, the development of heart failure, the damage to the nervous system increases. Deficiency of hemoglobin often leads to a deterioration in concentration.

Lack of oxygen leads to aging of organs and tissues. Many do not feel any signs of ailment, as some organs do not have nerve endings. Painful sensations arise in critical situations.

As a result of muscle relaxation, a person with a low hemoglobin suffers from urinary incontinence. All these problems not only cause a lot of trouble, but also can cause many undesirable consequences in the future.

Consequences of low hemoglobin in women

The most susceptible to this disease are children and expectant mothers. Due to the increased consumption of iron on the fetus and organs, there is a need for hemoglobin. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure a constant supply of oxygen, for which it is recommended to be more often in the fresh air.

If the body has a deficiency of hemoglobin in the pregnant woman, this immediately affects the development of the fetus. The first trimester is especially dangerous, in which it is necessary to regularly take the analysis. Insufficient amount of this protein in the blood leads to a slowing of fetal growth, its hypoxia, which threatens atrophy of muscles, organs and nervous system.