Cream panthenol

Panthenol is a substance that stimulates regenerative processes and is intended exclusively for external use. Some encountered panthenol cream during a rest at sea, after the skin was burnt and it was necessary to urgently repair the tissues, others at the dermatologist's reception, and the third learned about it from their friends, and according to their enthusiastic reviews, and decided to try the medicine on themselves. Let's figure out what saves the patentol, and how it can be used by yourself and relatives for the good.

The composition of the cream panthenol and its effect on the body

The main active substance of the cream is the vitamin B, which is a derivative of pantothenic acid. In contact with the skin, dexpanthenol is converted to pantothenic acid, which in turn is an integral part of coenzyme A and participates in fat, carbohydrate processes, as well as in the synthesis of acetylcholine and corticosteroids, which allows to accelerate the regeneration of the skin, mucosa, tighten collagen fibers and normalize cellular metabolism. Cream panthenol also has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.

Instructions for the use of panthenol cream

Now consider the instructions for the cream panthenol, because this is a medicine that requires care when using.

Panthenol is prescribed for such problems as:

Contraindications include only hypersensitivity.

Panthenol can be in several forms, and its choice depends on the application: for example, panthenol cream-foam is the lightest in consistency, so it is used for problems with oily skin. Ointment panthenol - the most fatty form of the substance, so it can be used to heal wounds or local burns. Cream panthenol - a universal option, since it moisturizes on one side and on the other hand does not leave a greasy film, and therefore it is convenient to apply to the skin of the body and face, especially if you need to restore large areas of skin.

The use of panthenol for cosmetic purposes

This cream is used when there are problems with the skin and hair, its convenience is that its effect is beneficial even for sensitive and vulnerable areas.

Panthenol for children

Babies, especially at an early age, have sensitive skin, and the particular structure of the small organism and regimen can lead to problems such as diaper rash and diaper dermatitis. To the aid comes the children's cream with panthenol, which is produced by different companies, but the most often used cream remains Bubchen.

Panthenol as a face cream

For owners of dry skin will help the use of panthenol instead of night cream. As a day, it will be a little "heavy", but if you get a free day, when you can not apply make-up and spend time at home, the panthenol can be applied in the morning.

Panthenol cream for the body

There are many areas on the body where the skin is drier: elbows, knees, heels, and what to say - in winter, the skin of the hands of many women is so dry that neither creams nor oils save the problem. For especially dry areas, use panthenol 2 times a day, but do not do this for a long time.

Panthenol as a hair cream

For dry, weakened and prone to hair loss, apply panthenol once a week to the scalp and hair rods. Panthenol accumulates in the body, so when the desired effect is achieved, discontinue the procedure, and resume when needed again.

Panthenol as an acne cream

Due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, panthenol can be a substitute for a regular cream for a while while acne is treated by eliminating the cause of the rashes.

Panthenol from burns

During sun exposure, skin burns often occur, after which the whole body "burns", and then the skin is covered. To minimize the effects of overheating and dehydration of the skin, use a cream from burns with panthenol or it in its pure form. Smear 4 times a day for the first two days after getting the burn, and then 2 times a day until the skin is restored.