Soy sauce - composition

Soy sauce is one of the favorite seasonings of modern housewives, a history that counts more than two thousand years. The cooks of that time cooked the sauce by natural fermentation, and this recipe is used to this day. This process is very lengthy and time consuming, but it consists in the following:

  1. Soy (beans) are cleaned, evaporated.
  2. Wheat grains are ground and well roasted.
  3. Then mix these two ingredients and pour cold salted water. After thoroughly mixing, the mass is placed in bags, which are laid out in the sun for fermentation.
  4. After a while, the liquid begins to be released, which is filtered out.

The sauce is ready.

Proceeding from this, the composition of natural soy sauce includes: soybean, wheat, salt, water. Such a product does not need additional preservatives and can be stored for a rather long time. Make it more sweet you can by adding more wheat. This sauce is considered classic. On its basis, various versions of this seasoning are made. Even in the composition of soy sauce, you can add extracts of garlic, dill and other spices to taste.

The energy value of soy sauce

In Asian countries, where soy sauce comes from, it is eaten instead of salt. We have paid special attention to this product by nutritionists. And not in vain, because he can replace not only salt, but also many seasonings, banned in most diets. This sauce came to the taste of people who carefully monitor their figure, as in salads they are replaced with vegetable oil and even mayonnaise. At the same time, the energy value of soy sauce is about 55 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Nutritional value of soy sauce

Dry figures look like this: in a portion of soy sauce (and this is approximately 15 ml) contains less than 1 g of proteins, about 1 g of carbohydrates, as much sugar and 800 milligrams of sodium. In this case, the composition of soy sauce does not include fats. It is the lack of fats that makes soy sauce irreplaceable in dietary nutrition .

Its rich taste is ideally like meat and fish dishes, salads. Based on this sauce, you can prepare a large number of other sauces: shrimp, mushroom, etc. It is also ideal for marinades.

Chemical composition of soy sauce

The chemical composition of soy sauce is very diverse, but about everything in order.

Amino acids - are necessary, first of all, for the maintenance in the body of the proper operation of its systems and organs. They participate in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes, antibodies, hemoglobin.

Mineral substances provide conductivity of the nervous system and water-electrolyte balance. Sodium, which is especially rich in soy sauce, has vasodilating properties and prevents the leakage of fluid from blood vessels to adjacent tissues. If we talk about vitamins, then in the chemical composition of soybean The sauce has B vitamins and vitamin E.

In addition, soy sauce in its composition contains choline, which provides the work of the nervous system and folic acid , especially useful for pregnant women and antioxidants.

But all of the above concerns only the sauce prepared according to the traditional recipe, namely, by fermentation. Now a lot of sauces prepared on accelerated technology with the use of chemical compounds and their reactions appeared on the market. These, the so-called sauces, have nothing to do with the useful and tasty product that was discussed, except that the name written on the label is not very honest producers. Be careful when buying, and then you will enjoy the dishes cooked with this seasoning.