Forest strawberry - useful properties

With the advent of forest strawberries, a beautiful legend is connected. One of the summer days, a small Jesus was walking through the forest, and every plant he passed by bowed and greeted him. Near the ground under the broad foliage stretched to the sun of a small flower, he was very much afraid that he would remain unnoticed. Jesus did not pass by and kissed the flower. Since that time on this plant every year ripen beautiful scarlet color berries. You could still lay down many legends and compose poetry, as the aroma and taste of wild strawberry give incredible pleasure, and useful properties help in the treatment of many diseases and problems. Even in Russia healers used berries for recipes from many ailments.

What is useful for wild strawberries?

  1. Improves the digestive system.
  2. Reduces cholesterol .
  3. Favorably affects the work of the cardiovascular system.
  4. It tones up the body and improves the functioning of the nervous system.

What is useful for strawberry for pregnant women?

Quite often asked question, because in this situation it is important to monitor the food you eat. In a small number of berries are allowed to eat women in position, as they supply the body with useful substances, remove excess liquid and harmful substances. It should be borne in mind that during pregnancy, the body can react differently to food, and if you do not have allergies to strawberries, it may appear. Remember this, not only using fresh berries, but also medicines. Decoction from the leaves of forest strawberries can be used in difficult births, as it increases the tone of the uterus and contractile function.

Useful properties of wild strawberry leaves

In folk medicine, there are many recipes using the leaves of a plant. For people who suffer from chronic insomnia, it is recommended to drink juice from fresh young leaves. If you cook the infusion, then it will help the body resist colds and viral diseases. Another useful property of strawberry leaves is especially useful for girls and women who suffer from profuse menstruation. In this case, it is recommended to drink 0.5 tablespoons every day. infusion.



Ingredients should be combined and left to infuse for 8 hours.

Another infusion will be useful in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.



Ingredients should be combined and boiled in a water bath for 5 minutes. Then the drink is insisted for 3 hours. It should be taken 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon.