Benefits of oatmeal porridge

The benefits of oatmeal porridge are well known to those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle , they try to eat right and watch their figure. It is oatmeal with its rich composition and low calorie content that is a good breakfast for both children and adults. But, preparing oatmeal porridge, you should pay attention to how many calories you put into it, adding different products.

The value of oatmeal porridge

The most useful is unprocessed oats. This cereal is the leader among cereals by protein content (13%) and fat (6%). However, ordinary oats are brewed for a long time, so consumers tend to eat oatmeal.

Among the oat flakes the most unhelpful are flakes of instant cooking. From them useful substances are removed, which makes it possible to prepare flakes within a few minutes. Such porridge is easy to prepare, but there is very little use for it.

Among the flakes, the most useful are the oat flakes. Although they are not prepared quickly, but they are maximally stored all the useful substances.

Caloric content of oatmeal depends on what was added to it during cooking. Porridge in milk, with butter and berries, will contain far more calories than porridge cooked on water. What kind of porridge to cook depends on what you want to get from it.

If you want to lose weight, it is better to cook oatmeal on the water. In this case, the body will receive only 88 calories from 100 grams of porridge. In addition, porridge will reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol and improve metabolism , which also speaks in favor of eating oatmeal during weight loss.

If you eat oatmeal after training, then you can afford cook it on milk. In this case, the calorie content of the porridge will be 102 kcal.

Well, and if there is a need to recover or strengthen health after the illness, then you can cook porridge with the addition of milk, sugar and oil. Thus, the body will receive as much as 303 calories.

If you are wondering if oatmeal is useful during the fasting days, then pay attention to its caloric content and composition. Despite the low calorie content during the fasting days, oatmeal can help to quickly saturate the body, give him important nutrients, energy and vivacity. In 100 grams of water oatmeal contains 15 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of protein and 1.7 grams of fat.