Wooden Back Massager

Wooden back massager is one of the most budgetary options. But, despite this, it has a lot of advantages, because it is made of environmentally friendly wood species that have a positive effect on the human body.

Such a massager warms up your back muscles well. With its help you can carry out both longitudinal and transverse massage.

Types of wooden massager for the spine

  1. Wooden roller massager for the back . The device is made in the form of a structure of rotating roller balls. It can be used to massage any area of ​​the body - the back , neck, arms, legs, chest. With his help, rapid muscle relaxation is achieved. Massage is carried out with a gradual increase in tempo. It is very effective to use a hand-held wooden roller massager for the back immediately after the shower
  2. Wooden bandage massager for the back . It is very convenient to use due to the presence of long handles that will allow access to hard-to-reach areas. The duration of the massage with the use of such a massager is not limited and is set individually by each person. Some devices are equipped with suction cups or spikes, which makes it possible to enhance the effect of the massage.
  3. Wooden massagers with one or two rollers . A device with two rollers is used to massage a part of the back located along the spine. In this case, the spine remains between the rollers, which act on the problem areas of the back.

A wooden back massager will help you eliminate the ailments and sensations of heaviness in the back.