Magne B6 in pregnancy

Almost every woman during pregnancy used the drug Magne B6. This is explained by the fact that it is magnesium that is one of those microelements that regulates about 200 biochemical reactions of the organism, practically simultaneously. All of them, on the whole, help to reduce the process of nervous activity and regulate the contractility of the muscle fiber.

Why is magnesium important for pregnant women?

The use of drugs that contain magnesium in their composition is a necessity for pregnant women. Due to the fact that during the period of bearing the baby the organism of the future mother works practically with a double load, the need for this element also increases. Therefore, gynecologists also prescribe magnesium for pregnant women, especially at the very beginning.

How correctly to drink a preparation Magne В6?

The main question that arises in women during pregnancy is: "How much and why is it necessary to drink Magne B6?". The fact is that all dosages are indicated only by a doctor, after laboratory tests. But sometimes there are cases when symptoms of lack of magnesium in the body are obvious (nervousness, fast fatigue), however, analyzes do not confirm this. Then the medicine is prescribed exclusively for the purpose of prevention. But in most cases, doctors prescribe to apply simultaneously 2 tablets - in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, it is desirable during the meal. This regimen allows you to bring the concentration of magnesium during pregnancy back to normal.

The main indication for the appointment of Magne B6 is an increased uterine tone, observed with a short period of time. This symptom character for the initial stage of pregnancy and can result in its interruption. Therefore, in some cases, a woman is forced to use the drug throughout pregnancy.

Also, this drug is successfully used to treat disorders in the heart: tachycardia , bradycardia, rhythm disturbances. In especially severe cases, due to a lack of magnesium in the body, there may be muscle cramps, for the relief of which Magne B6 is used.

In addition to the above symptoms, the drug is often prescribed for the treatment of gastrointestinal spasms, which appear against the background of anxiety.

When can not I apply the drug?

Contraindications for the use of the drug Magne B6 practically do not exist. However, there can be situations where the body of a pregnant woman simply does not tolerate individual components of the drug. In such cases, the lack of magnesium in the body is supplemented by eating foods that contain it in large quantities.

It is also forbidden to apply the drug to women who have a history of urinary system diseases.

If there is a concomitant calcium deficiency in the woman's body, then the drug is prescribed only after its concentration has reached the norm, i.e. at the same time it is forbidden to take calcium and magnesium. Due to the fact that this product contains sucrose in its composition, it is contraindicated for persons suffering from a violation of glucose adsorption.

What can turn the application of Magne B6?

Side effects from the use of this drug are rare. The main ones are:

If you have at least one of these symptoms, taking the medicine is canceled. Also, it is not superfluous to seek medical advice.

Thus, the drug Magne B6 is simply necessary for every pregnant woman. Only with his help can she cope with frequent nervousness and irritability.