Pink salmon - caloric content

Pink salmon is the most common fish of the salmon family, it has a relatively small weight for the family in the region of 1.5-2 kg. The fries of pink salmon swim out of the river into the sea, where they mature and ripen for 2 to 3 years, and then go to spawn in the very river where they were born. After spawning, the fish dies. They catch it at the mouth of rivers at the course of spawning, and literally scoop it in huge quantities.

In shops and fish markets, pink salmon is the most common commodity, enjoying a constant consumer demand, due to its characteristic taste and relative cheapness compared to other salmonids.

Pink salmon for weight loss

Pink salmon is very popular with housewives, who cook it in all known ways. This fish is good and salty as a cold snack, and smoked as a hot snack. Soup (ear) from pink salmon is popular, and it can be made from both thawed fish and canned fish. The steamed steak is of great interest to those who intend to use pink salmon for slimming, and even fried fish is known, perhaps, to everyone.

It is well known how nutritious and nutritious this fish is in any form, but at the same time, the calorie content of pink salmon is no more than 140 kcal. Saturation of the body is achieved due to the very high content of protein in it - over 60%! Having tasted a large portion of pink salmon for a long time you do not experience hunger, so the process of digestion is slow. Another reason to use pink salmon with a diet is the fat content. It turns out that it is the lowest among pink salmon among salmonids, therefore, even a very large portion will not cause you excess fatty deposits. At the same time, its energy value will give a charge of vivacity for a long time.

Energy value and composition of pink salmon

Especially valuable is fresh fish, but chilled and even frozen pink salmon is an excellent food product. When shopping in the store, try to choose fish with an even, pleasant eye color, without visible damage to the skin and body.

The useful properties of fish include a large amount of phosphorus in it, improving the work of the brain and vision, and also contributing to the proper metabolism, and the iodine contained in it in a large amount will protect you from thyroid problems, which is especially important for the inhabitants of the mountainous areas, where in water, iodine is often not enough.

Pink salmon is a simple and affordable product for a diet, and if you cook this fish in a variety of ways, trying to avoid roasting in oil, then it will be easy and pleasant for you to spend a week on a pink salmon diet. In addition, pink salmon has practically no contraindications, and adults, old people, and small children can eat it.

Let's find out about the different calorie content of pink salmon in different "roles":