Sautéed aubergine

Saute, translated from French, means " vegetable stew with meat," cooked on high heat. This dish will be an excellent snack on your table. Sautéed aubergines are prepared very quickly, so we advise you to try to make it.

Recipe for sautéed aubergines



Now tell you how to cook a saute of eggplant. Vegetables are washed and sliced: eggplants - circles, tomatoes - slices, Bulgarian pepper - strips, and onion - half rings. We lay out all the vegetables in separate bowls. In a large bowl we pour the vegetable oil and passer on it to a golden-colored bow. Then reduce the fire to a minimum and lay the vegetables layers: eggplants, a layer of pepper and tomatoes, after which we repeat everything and put eggplant mugs on top. Now pour a little water, cover with a lid and simmer on a weak fire for 30-35 minutes.

The readiness of the dish is determined by the appearance and color of the eggplant. Minutes for 5-7 before the end of cooking, sprinkle a honeycomb with sugar, finely chopped greens and lightly pressed with a spoon, so that the vegetable sauté and eggplants are slightly settled. After that, we cool everything and serve the dish in a cold form.

Sautéed aubergine in a multivariate



Consider another option, how to cook a sauté from eggplant. Chicken fillet is processed and cut into cubes. Onions are cleaned and shredded by semirings. Purified carrots are washed and rubbed on a grater. Pepper is processed from seeds, cores and chopped into pieces. Eggplants are mine, cut the peel and cut into cubes. Tomatoes are scalded with boiling water, peeled and flesh cut into cubes. Garlic is cleaned and let through the press. Greenery washed, dried and finely plucked hands.

In the bowl of multivarka pour a little oil and lay out first chicken fillet, onion and carrots. Fry vegetables with meat in the "Bake" mode for about 15 minutes. Add the Bulgarian pepper and pour a little water. Now we put out the program "Quenching" and prepare the vegetables until soft. Eggplants paniruem in flour and fry separately in a frying pan in hot vegetable oil. Then we spread them together with tomatoes in a multivark, podsalivaem, pepper and stew until ready. At the very end, we add garlic and fresh greens, mix well and prepare a saute of eggplants with chicken for a couple of minutes. If desired, you can add a little tomato paste and various spices.

Sautéed aubergine with meat



To prepare a sauté from eggplants, we wash the blue ones, peel them, cut them into slices and sprinkle with salt. Leave them for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cold water in boiling water, gently peel the skin, and pulp shred by lobules. Cut the meat into strips and fry. Carrots clean and wash, chop thin strips. Bulgarian pepper is purified from seeds, crushed with straw. Fry vegetables until golden in warmed vegetable oil. Now take the cast iron, put the eggplants on the bottom, then the carrots and the Bulgarian pepper. Next layer put the fried meat, sprinkle it with onions, lay out tomato slices. Each layer is slightly salted and peppered. We light the oven, set the temperature at 180 degrees, add a little water to the pan, cover it with a lid and put the eggplant sauté in the oven for about an hour.