Subfebrile body temperature - what is it?

Visitors to medical institutions often hear a term such as "subfebrile body temperature", but only a few know what it is. Most patients believe that this is some special parameter that can only be obtained as a result of a separate procedure. But in fact, everything is much simpler.

What does subfebrile body temperature mean - how much is it in degrees?

The subfebrile condition is diagnosed when the temperature rises to 37-37.5 degrees and is delayed at these elevations for a while. As a rule, the subfebrile temperature persists for a couple of weeks, and sometimes even a few months or years.

There is a subfebrile condition in different ways. Sometimes the patient feels weak, headaches. But often about subfebrile temperature you have to learn by accident. And to say how much it held until the time of detection is very difficult.

Why does body temperature rise to low-grade figures?

The reasons for such a slight increase in body temperature may be different:

When the subfebrile temperature and body aches are considered normal symptoms?

Among the causes of subfebrile condition there are also harmless:

  1. Absolutely normal phenomenon is the temperature tail. It is observed after recovery in people with complex infectious diseases. To survive it is necessary to begin only in the event that the temperature keeps within two - three months.
  2. Very often subfebrile condition is preceded by stress, experience, nervous overstrain. Therefore, when it appears after a busy day - do not be frightened. Try to relax, relax and relax, and the temperature will drop by itself.
  3. In women before subfebrile markers, the temperature may rise during pregnancy or premenstrual syndrome. The phenomenon in these cases of hormonal changes in the organism is explained.

As you see, unlike febrile, subfebrile body temperature should not always be treated.