The best books on motivation

Most people notice that their dreams every year are getting further and unattainable until they disappear completely, leaving vague anxiety and discontent with their own lives. Do you stop surrounding or your own fear, ignorance or lack of experience in this case, but it's never too late to develop. And the authors of the best books on motivation can help you.

The best books on personal motivation

1. "Laws of the winners" Bodo Schaefer . The author of this book is called "financial Mozart", but Bodo Schaefer himself was once bankrupt and with huge debts. Each chapter contains three parts: parables or stories, specific tips and practical assignments. The book is presented in an accessible language, easy and interesting. She will tell you how to properly manage your destiny and achieve success in any field.

2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki . The book, which became a world bestseller, will tell you about the difference in thinking of the average, executive and successful businessman. A boy brought up by two different men describes his findings and shares tips on how to achieve success.

3. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill . The book was published 42 times and became the best seller of the United States. On the example of famous people, the author shows that success is achievable for anyone. And the most important problems are only the uncertainty and fear of failure.

4. "Success" Philip Bogachev . The author, starting his way to success with trainings and books on pickup, will share with the reader practical advice on achieving success in many areas. Expressed simply and sometimes even rude, the author will open his eyes to simple things and help you begin to change your life. The book will show how your environment affects you, how to develop properly and, at the same time, not to miss any of the spheres of life. At this time, Philip Bogachev is one of the best domestic authors of books on self-development and motivation.

5. "A millionaire without a diploma. How to succeed without traditional education "Michael Ellsberg . No matter how strange it may sound, the author completely rejects the system of higher education, proving its inconsistency in practice. In the book you can read the stories of successful people who, without a diploma, earn millions, and also understand what you need to learn to become one of them.

The book is necessary for those who are sure that success depends on education. Also it should be read to all parents who want to grow their children really successful people.

6. "Money has a good impact on a woman" Bodo Schaefer and Carola Furstle . This book about the motivation for success was waiting for millions of women. The authors will reveal in her the main secrets of women's success and show the main mistakes. It tells about everything, including savings and investments. The book will help to become independent and prove that a woman as good as a man can manage finances.

7. "Millionaire per minute" Allen Robert and Hansen Mark Victor . In order to return the rights to educate their children, single mothers need to earn 1,000,000 for 90 days. The book is divided into two parts: a story about the main heroine and practical advice. If you are ready to answer for your life, then this book is for you.

8. "My life, my achievements" Henry Ford . This name does not need advertising. The founder of a large automotive company will tell you about his path to success and share his invaluable experience. The incomprehensible Ford will also dumbfound his judgment about the relationship between the leader and the subordinate.

Any author of the above has achieved tremendous success. And each of these people is happy to share with you effective tips for improving your life. Who else will help you earn the first million, how not the millionaires themselves? ..