How to love your work?

Millions of people waking up in the morning think about how I do not want to go back to my unloved work, which I could not fall in love with even after many attempts. Someone does not stand up and decides to quit, even at the risk of losing a good salary, and someone continues to perform their duties day in and day out, earning nervous breakdowns and increasing their discontent with life. But maybe we are to blame for this situation?

How to love your unloved work - advice of a psychologist

In a calm environment, write down everything you do not like about the post: salary, bad boss, uncomfortable team, unsatisfactory conditions, duties, etc. Now ponder over each point, think what you can neutralize. For example, it seems to you that the team was not very lucky at all, but it's possible that you yourself are not letting anyone in, that's the situation in the workplace and it seems too tense. After that, look at what you can not influence under any circumstances, and think about whether you can reconcile with it. If everything else is tolerable, then proceed to improve your situation. If there are items that are extremely important to you, then you should look for another job, as no positive changes will help you fall in love with it.

It happens that everything is not bad, but there is no joy from work activity, as in this case you love your job, what advice can a psychologist work?

  1. The initiative . Often the interest in us is dying out because of the inability to express oneself, mechanical actions are very few people like. Therefore, try to bring something new: maybe you need to improve the old scheme of work for a long time or you want to participate in the social life of the company.
  2. Competition . The most tedious duties are performed faster if there is a goal to do faster and better than someone else. If there is no opponent, then try to improve your own results.
  3. Self-improvement . Do you feel that you have rested on this post in the ceiling, and continue to grow frightening because of lack of knowledge? Take time for self-education, acquire the skills that will be needed in an interesting position.
  4. Positive effect . Go to work only for the salary bothersome, so think about how it helps other people. This is a routine and boring task for you, but it is they that are beneficial, making life a little better.
  5. Work is not the whole of life . If you almost spend the night in the workplace, it's not surprising that it started to cause a vomitive reflex. In this case, urgently remember that there is another life, in which a lot of interesting and joyful.
  6. Do not hurry . You always have time to leave, so before you write a statement, make sure that you have done everything possible.

And what if the domestic work is hated, is it possible to love it? It can help to realize the enormous benefits that you bring to yourself and those who live with you. Dirt - an excellent environment for the reproduction of microbes, destroying it, you warn the emergence of various diseases, literally becoming the protector of your family . Pamper yourself with rest after the work done, noting how much more pleasant it is to do in a clean and cozy room.

Maybe these tips will not help you run around the house with burning eyes and radiate happiness throughout the whole working day, but the work will definitely cease to seem so hateful.