How to become kinder?

A kind person shines from the inside, and this light spreads all around, awakening in the soul the reciprocal feelings . However, in the modern world somehow it was not fashionable to be kind. The synonym for this word was slackness and spinelessness, because in today's respect, dedication, lack of principle and business acumen. However, the basic concepts of good and evil have both been and will remain unchanged, and today many people are looking for ways and want to know how to become kinder, because once goodness saves the world.

How to become kind and calm?

The modern pace of life leaves its imprint on the behavior of people in society. They like the squirrel in the wheel again and again come to a new circle, no longer realizing where they are running and why. Life rushes with furious speed and flies by the machine. Time to stop, look around and think about why all this is necessary at all, does not remain. Relations between people began to have the format of the transaction, that is, "give for dash" or service for the service. Few people think about the spiritual side of the issue and even couples are created for reasons of convenience and speed: there is absolutely no time for banal courtship and other rubbish.

Many get tired of such a life, begin to suffer from nervous disorders, insomnia and other concomitant diseases, realizing that it's time to change something, but how to do it and how to become a kind person remains an open question. But in the meantime, there is nothing easier-it is only necessary to want to bring good to people.

How to become kinder and calmer?

Stop to set a high bar and strive for it. No, this does not mean that it is necessary to stop being a single-minded person, but in the pursuit of material goods people completely stopped paying attention to the usual things - the rustle of meadow grasses, children's laughter or the joyful whining of a pet. And when was the last time you hugged your mother or father? We must hurry to do good deeds and look for those who need help - a grandmother with a heavy string bag, a homeless kitten, etc. The main meaning of life is spiritual, not material, and if you understand this, you can become happier, and therefore kinder.

It is necessary to try to become an optimist and see in everything only positive. Do not get irritated about the fact that the cashier girl counts the change for a long time, but to smile at her and make a compliment. People are so organized that they respond to good with good, and evil with evil, so only after ceasing to be annoyed, angry and criticize someone, you can expect to fill your life with joy and pleasant moments. It is very important not to wait for gratitude for the good deeds done. They will necessarily pay off a hundredfold and the higher forces will take care of this. As in the cartoon about the hare, which gave the forest inhabitants a whole bag of apples, leaving the children without dinner, not even realizing that the grateful beasts brought into his house whoever could.

Those who are interested in how to become kind, should tolerate the shortcomings of others, respect the other point of view, and translate the growing conflicts into a joke. Do not swear with the boss. It is better to silently look at it and imagine how it grows long dog ears or a nose like that of Pinocchio. Accumulated negative energy for a day can be splashed out in the gym or engage in another kind of sport, and you can support yourself emotionally at first by reading affirmations. And it is also very important to forgive anyone who has ever offended or caused a trauma. This is not so easy to do, so it makes sense to turn to your confessor, confess and take communion. Prayer to God helps a lot and is given to those who know how to be grateful.