Positive psychology for every day

Positive psychology for each day aims to take a person out of the state of habitual stress and teach them to treat life easier, concentrating not on problems, misses and failures, but on the most positive aspects. This attitude allows you to live happier and be more effective in all areas.

Psychology of positive thinking

The most basic principle that needs to be learned and practiced is reflected even in the old Russian proverb "there is no thin without good."

In any problematic, negative, unpleasant situation, try to find pros - the more, the better. At first it will be very difficult, but if you practice this within 15 days, then you will develop a habit, and you will not have to make any effort by watching the situation, you will automatically find out the good sides in it.

Even if there are no obvious pluses, there are always unobvious. Imagine the situation - you are going to work, but you were showered along the road by the car, and you go home to change your clothes, angry that you have to be late. And what if you find out that the person who crossed the road where at that time you should have crossed it, if not late, was hit by a car? Surely you will think that the fate itself has taken you away from this unfortunate incident.

Or, for example, you have repeatedly heard about how passengers were late for a flight, were terribly angry at the same time - and then it turned out that the flight, which they did not manage to, crashed, and this incident helped them to survive. Of course, not always trouble so obviously goes for a plus - but it's always more convenient to think that everything in your life happens not just in the best way.

The psychology of positive changes rests on the view that our life is such as we see it, and if there is no possibility to change the situation, sometimes it is enough simply to change one's attitude towards it.

Positive psychology: books

In any bookstore you can easily find publications and even whole series of books that dedicate their readers to the mysteries of positive psychology. Among them you can list:

  1. M. Seligman "The New Positive Psychology".
  2. E. Mathews "Live easy! How to find yourself and your work. "
  3. Jorge Bukai "The Myth of the Goddess Fortune."

Reading such books instead of detective or romance novels in a train, plane and just at any leisure, you will contribute to positive changes in your worldview .