How to get rid of bad thoughts - advice of a psychologist

Anxiety and stress are familiar to every person, and how many bad thoughts brought to insomnia and panic - do not count. Psychologists say that short-term stress is useful for the body, as it mobilizes its forces, but permanent - is harmful, as it leads to depression and other negative consequences. How to get rid of bad thoughts and what advice the psychologist can give in this regard - in this article.

How can I get rid of bad obsessions?

Here are some effective ways:

  1. If there is a fear that something terrible will happen, for example, the death of a sick loved one, you can try to give yourself a certain period of time or you can say a time lag that should be lived without worrying or experiencing. Having survived calmly one stage and without waiting for death, to put the next one for himself, etc.
  2. Many people are interested in how to get rid of bad thoughts before going to bed, because they often overpower a person at this time. There is an easy way, and which says the famous Scarlett O'Hara: "I'll think about it tomorrow." This means that all existing problems should be postponed until the next day, but for now the time of sleep.
  3. Those who are interested in how to get rid of obsessive depression and bad thoughts, we can advise you to use the technique of confrontation. For example, worrying about the fact that her husband earns little, reassure himself that he does everything around the house and spends a lot of time with children.
  4. Very optimistic affirmations work, which the legendary L. Hay talked about. The woman had not been sweet in her life, but she did not give up. She constantly told herself that the most intelligent, the most beautiful and the happiest. Increase the effectiveness of such statements can be if you write them on paper and fasten in prominent places around the house. Thoughts are material and this must be remembered.