Body language and gestures

Body language and gestures provide more real and clear information than words. Man can control his speech, but his facial expressions , posture and different gestures make it possible to understand the true thoughts and intentions of the interlocutor.

Psychology of body language and gestures

Many people make a serious mistake, not paying attention to the gestures of their interlocutor. The whole point is that knowing the language of the body, you can read the thoughts of others. The obtained knowledge will be useful in different situations, for example, during an interview, negotiation, acquaintance with the opposite sex, etc.

The role of sign language and body in communication is great, because you can learn a lot of useful information about a person. For example, if the head is omitted, then the interlocutor hides something. If a person shakes with his feet is a signal that he is lacking attention. The interlocutor, who looks around, deceives or is nervous. When a person rubs his hands or touches his body, this is how he calms himself. Hands, thrown over his head, indicate that the interlocutor is comfortable, and he easily perceives the topic under discussion. If, during a conversation, a person turns the body in the direction of the exit, then he wants to put an end and go. A handshake can tell a lot, so if the hand of the interlocutor is on the top - this is his expression of physical superiority. In anticipation of getting something desirable, a person begins to lick his lips involuntarily.

Body language and gestures of girls

  1. If the arms are crossed, then the lady is not located to close communication , and she wants to keep the distance.
  2. The girl's sympathy will be indicated by stroking the wrist, since this area is considered one of the most common erogenous zones.
  3. Sexual signal is the exposure of the neck from the hair and stroking it. In this case, the man can not doubt that the lady is located on close contact.
  4. On the interest of the girl in a particular man will be shown by the turned toe of the leg to the side object.

Body language and gestures of men

  1. Strongly compressed lips indicate an aggressive attitude, and if a man spends his tongue on the lips during a conversation, then his thoughts are somewhere far away.
  2. If he knocks his fingers on the table - it's a symbol of irritation. Scratching the ear lobe indicates fatigue from the conversation.
  3. In the body language and gestures of people, it is believed that twitching the collar indicates deception or irritation.
  4. In the event that the eyes run in different directions, then the man is deceiving or feels insecurity in himself.