10 ways to improve your mood

Very often, unwittingly, we become hostages of our own mood and emotions. Everyone faced a situation where a bad mood darkened the long-awaited holiday, or caused problems at work or in relations with relatives. Thanks to simple techniques, you can learn to improve your mood and tune in to a positive mood, which, of course, will have a positive impact both in your career and in your personal life.

1. Smile. Smile is the easiest and quickest way to improve your mood. As a rule, a smile is the result of a good mood. But in fact, a smile is the result of complex chemical reactions. A good mood contributes to the production of endorphin, the well-known "happiness hormone". The result of increasing the level of endorphins is a feeling of bliss, joy and euphoria. The secret of the first method is to force the brain to produce this hormone when it's bad for us. It is the smile that triggers this process - the brain produces hormones of joy that directly affect the emotional state.

2. Listen to the music. Another way to raise the level of endorphins is to listen to your favorite music. It is also effective to listen to compositions with which pleasant memories are associated.

3. Improve yourself. This method may not raise the mood instantly, but in time will bring many positive results. You can practice memory or attention training, learn a foreign language, develop creative abilities. The only condition is that the chosen occupation should be fun.

4. Positive place. This method can be found not only in the recommendations of psychologists, but also in esoteric literature. First you need to choose a cozy place in the house, preferably with a soft, soothing lighting. In this place a chair or chair is installed. The essence of the method is to charge the chosen place and chair with positive energy. It is done very simply - every day, for 15-20 minutes, sit on a chair, and remember all the happy moments of life. Remember not only events, but emotions. At the very beginning, one should start memories only in a good mood, but eventually, this method can be used to improve mood, relieve stress and get rid of depression. Using imagination, you can bring your changes to this method, somehow arrange the place in a special way, customize the chair non-standard, perhaps not only remember the events, but also imagine how dreams come true and the goals are achieved. The main thing is that thoughts are only positive.

5. Eat vegetables. These products contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that are involved in a variety of processes in the body. The lack of useful substances leads to increased fatigue, apathy and depression, and in this state it is impossible to keep a good mood.

6. Eat bananas. Bananas occupy a special place in the fight against depression, as they contribute to the development of serotonin, a substance that affects the emotional state. Every morning it is recommended to eat one banana - this will have a favorable effect not only on the mood, but also on the skin condition.

7. Communicate. Communication with pleasant and interesting people can also cheer up and cheer up. But in some situations, communication can only cause irritation. Therefore, in a state of depression, you should carefully choose your interlocutor.

8. Avoid negative information. The media is often a source of negativity, which even subconsciously affects our mood and causes negative emotions. For example, having received a negative charge at night, you can wake up in a depressed mood in the morning, which can spoil the whole subsequent day. The insidiousness of negative information received through the media is also that it often affects the subconscious, which makes it difficult to establish the cause of emotional decline and irritation.

9. Do physical exercises. Morning gymnastics, jogging, training in the gym - all this contributes to the improvement of both physical and emotional state. Of course, overstrain yourself and bring yourself to exhaustion is not worth it, it does not improve your mood in any way. But getting a habit of daily exercise will be very useful. If circumstances do not allow you to exercise, then it is worth mastering respiratory gymnastics, even a few minutes a day of such exercises will have a favorable effect on mood and general condition.

10. Take care of your health. If no effort helps to improve mood, and besides there are no visible reasons for negative emotions, it is worth paying attention to health. Moreover, negative emotions also have a detrimental effect on the body, and can exacerbate the situation. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of one's health, then there will be more forces to realize life goals, and keeping a good mood will be easier.