The principle of justice

The American philosopher, whose views exerted considerable influence on the formation of the modern political system of the United States, J. Rawls believed that if the laws do not correspond to the principle of justice, are not consistent among themselves, and therefore ineffective, they do not have the slightest right to exist.

Basic principles of justice

  1. The first principle of justice says that any person has the right to the maximum number of fundamental freedoms, or rather all freedoms must be equal, no person should be in this stricken one.
  2. The following principle includes the principle of reasonableness and justice. So, if there are inequalities of social and economic nature, then they should be resolved in such a way that they are beneficial to those segments of the population that are unfavorable. At the same time, at the level of human capabilities, public positions should be open to anyone who wants to.

It should be noted that the above basic principles are designed to solve the main problem of justice.

Principle of social justice

It states that in every society there should be an equitable distribution of labor, cultural values, as well as all possible social opportunities.

If we consider each of the above in more detail, then:

  1. A fair distribution of labor includes a constitutionally reinforced right to work that excludes the appearance of harmful, unskilled species. In addition, social and professional equality, which prohibits giving preference to employment to certain national groups, etc., is allowed.
  2. For a fair distribution of cultural values, it is necessary that all conditions for free access of each citizen to them be created.
  3. If we talk about social opportunities, then this group should include the provision of each person with the necessary social minimum.

The principle of equality and justice

According to this principle, it is the creation of human equality that promotes social prosperity. Otherwise, from day to day conflicts will arise that provoke a split in the society.

The principle of humanism and justice

Everyone, even a criminal, is a full member of society. It is considered unfair, if in relation to him they show less concern than about someone else. No one has the right to humiliate human dignity.