Fibrinogen is above the norm - what does this mean and how to improve the situation?

Human blood includes several types of proteins, which must be in a certain ratio to perform their functions. One of them is fibrinogen, the amount of which is determined in the standard blood test for clotting. If the results of fibrinogen are higher than normal, what does this mean, it is necessary to find out.

Fibrinogen - what is it?

In fact, what is fibrinogen, many patients are interested in when they see the results of a coagulogram - a laboratory study of venous blood, which allows one to assess its coagulation ability. Often, this analysis is prescribed before various surgical interventions, during pregnancy, with suspicion of certain pathologies (liver, heart, vascular system, etc.).

Protein fibrinogen is produced by the liver tissues and, entering the bloodstream, circulates there in an inactive dissolved state. It is one of the factors of blood clotting. Due to a complex system of reactions in response to traumatic effects, the affected vessel is closed by a clot that stops bleeding. The basis for the formation of a clot (thrombus) is an insoluble fibrin protein, obtained by splitting fibrinogen by thrombin enzyme.

In addition to participation in the formation of thrombus, fibrinogen promotes the formation of new vesicles and cellular interaction, and also signals inflammatory processes. Decrease in its level causes a deterioration of blood clotting, which causes prolonged bleeding, and high fibrinogen leads to abnormal formation of thrombi even without damage to the vascular walls.

Determination of fibrinogen

In laboratories, fibrinogen in the blood is quantified by biochemical techniques. In order to avoid errors, the following conditions must be observed before sampling:

Fibrinogen in the blood - the norm in women

Fibrinogen in the blood, the norm of which depends on the person's age, should be kept in an amount of 2-4 g / l in adult healthy women, as well as in men. In children, these rates are lower. If, according to the results of the analysis for fibrinogen, the norm in women is observed, this means that this protein is synthesized in an adequate amount, the clotting abilities of the blood are not violated.

Fibrinogen in pregnancy is normal

Fibrinogen, the norm of which is relatively stable in healthy people, changes its normal criteria when a woman carries a baby. This is due to the formation in the mother's body of a new circulatory system, which includes the placenta. In early terms, the level of this protein increases not much, but in the last trimester, fibrinogen in pregnant women reaches its peak, which is necessary to prevent large blood loss during delivery. Norms are as follows:

Fibrinogen increased - what does it mean?

When the analysis shows that fibrinogen is higher than normal, it means that the patient has an increased possibility of thrombosis - occlusion of the vascular duct with restriction of the blood supply of a particular organ or part of the body. This condition threatens the development of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, i.e. very dangerous pathologies.

Sometimes fibrinogen can be increased slightly or temporarily by the following factors:

In addition, fibrinogen is higher than normal in women taking estrogen-containing drugs. Much more serious than situations in which long-term fibrinogen is significantly higher than normal, and this means that inflammatory or other pathological processes occur in the body. The likely causes are:

Fibrinogen is elevated in pregnancy

If the fibrinogen during pregnancy goes beyond the upper limit, the causes can be similar. This condition threatens not only the health and life of the future mother, but also jeopardizes the course of pregnancy. The consequences can be as follows:

Fibrinogen increased - what to do?

In cases where an increase in fibrinogen is detected, it becomes necessary to conduct additional examinations to determine the causative factor. Only after this can be determined by the curative scheme, aimed at correcting the underlying disease. For an emergency reduction in the amount of this protein, medicines from the group of antiplatelet agents , fibrinolytics, anticoagulants can be prescribed, a diet with minimizing cholesterol intake, daily exercise, sufficient drinking regime is recommended.