Panto-vair - analogue

This vitamin complex is designed to treat hair loss and alopecia, as well as strengthen the nails. Because of the high cost, women often try to replace the Panto-vair - an analogue completely identical to the drug has not yet been invented, but there are a number of biologically active additives with a similar effect.

Analogues of the Panthoever in composition

The present tool consists of the following ingredients:

The only analogous vitamin complex that completely coincides with the active components with the indicated composition is Pantogar (Merz, Germany). This analogue of Panto-Navigator for hair and nails produces the same effect:

It is worth noting that Pantogar is also considered an expensive biological supplement.

What else can you replace the Panto-Navigator?

It is not necessary to purchase a medicine with exactly the same composition. To achieve the desired results, it is sufficient to find generics that contain proteins, B vitamins and yeast. It is these components that are responsible for the strengthening of horn cells.

Cheaper than the Panto-Navigator are its analogues:

It is also recommended to pay attention to vitamin complexes with the content of microelements, especially zinc and selenium:

In addition, you can find the cheapest treatment option - to buy separately purified calcium and cosmetic yeast. After a 2-3-month course of taking these substances, the condition of the hair and nails will noticeably improve, the curls will become thicker and lush, stop falling out. During therapy it is desirable to adhere to a special diet, with increased consumption of dairy and sour-milk products, fresh fruits, buckwheat porridge.